*** Show us your Dogs ***

Show us your Doggy ****

(*warning*) Complete rip off of the kitty cat thread.

Nevertheless, Here is Klaus.



Relaxing after a hard nights ripping stuff up:


This has probably been posted many times before but i didn't see it on the last few pages so..............
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I'll update this with more Max pics tomorrow but heres one to show his size compared to me, I'm 6'2" and sat on my big recliner.


Wow, can we have one of him standing on his back legs and paws on your shoulders when you are standing up?
One day I will get a dog. Waiting until my lifestyle allows plenty of space and exercise though. Would love either a Huskey or other mid sized Spitz. Ideally though I would want a Huskey/Border Collie cross.
I'm regrettably in this situation too, although I've not really got sufficient garden at present I am close enough to parks, just not at home anywhere near enough :/
We've got two Rhodesian Ridgebacks.

This is Samson (now 2, but 1 in the photo):

and, Delilah (now 9 months old)!
They are beauties Gadge!

Im in the same boat as a few others i.e. not home enough to have one at the moment. I do so miss my last dog :(
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