Show us your kitty cats

Any more cat pics? Kitten ones in particular :D

U asked.... sorry about eyeshine



Look like undead cats here




One of them didnt last a year (some wild animal got him) but still got the little lady and posted a pic of her grown up already
I don't come in here very often these days as everytime someone loses their baby it brings it all back about Garfield and Jade (lost them both in the past year to kidney related problems) and I end up in tears again. I am a soppy 54 year old who loves his babies and prays that nothing happens to my little Toots (Abby). Since my last visit I see there has been two more babies lost so belated commiserations to Tubby_Glossup and Pingwing, I know exactly how you feel.

Now the reason for my visit. Does anybody think of the cat(s) as left or right handed? I started thinking about this when we took on Garfield as he seemed to favour his left paw when playing and ate his way around his food bowl from left to right. Jade seemed to be right handed as does Abby as their right paws are the first to be used when playing and they eat their way from right to left around their food bowls. Is left/right handed even a thing in cats or is it just me looking for something that isn't there? I would like to hear other owners (slaves) thoughts about this.
I was watching some old QI repeat on Dave the other day and they were talking about left handed-ness in some other species being the same percentage as humans (10% or something). Had a quick google and didn't find a reference as such but found this instead..."qi"+left+handed+animals&source=bl&ots=JNw7PvRknC&sig=ACfU3U01xCKbMZlELff_OvgvXY-W4sYedg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfgpDEndvzAhWLsRQKHSl2CCIQ6AF6BAgWEAM#v=onepage&q="qi" left handed animals&f=false

Most female cats are right, most males are left pawed.
We already had two and then we adopted Garfield after his owner abandoned him. He had been coming around for years so they all knew each other and got on fairly well. It was great, no matter where you went in the house you would find a cat or two and if none were in the room when you entered it there soon would be as they all craved company and cuddles. Sadly we lost Garfield to kidney disease last December and Jade a couple of months ago to a tumour on her kidney so we only have little Abby left now.
What cat food does everyone use?
We are adopting a large 6-year old male ginger cat soon so will need food amongst other things

Whatever they'll eat lol They'll let you know don't worry.

Hah, there speaks a cat owner!

Fed mine Felix, dry food, and bits of whatever meat I had for dinner.

Tried a lot of different cat food and he turned his nose up at most of them, so mainly Felix it was.

Loved his odd bit of raw liver and canned tuna, though.
Hah, there speaks a cat owner!

Fed mine Felix, dry food, and bits of whatever meat I had for dinner.

Tried a lot of different cat food and he turned his nose up at most of them, so mainly Felix it was.

Loved his odd bit of raw liver and canned tuna, though.

Dry cat food helps with "my cats breath smells of cat food" issues which wet cat food gives

Funnily enough my cat (choc burmese girl) is largely a veggie cat.. she loves chips and strawberries particularly... but my wife's cat (silver bengal boy) is Mr Meat (turns nose up at anything not meat!). Which is funny since I am meat eater and wife is not!!

Talisker and Marble. The youngest of our four cats, six months old tomorrow.

Lovely, looks you also suffer from "cats own office chair syndrome". I had to replace a leather chair and my replacement is permanently covered in "cat protective materials" so looks awful.

Those two look lovely cats!
Lovely, looks you also suffer from "cats own office chair syndrome". I had to replace a leather chair and my replacement is permanently covered in "cat protective materials" so looks awful.

That's actually my old chair. I keep it around because the cats like sitting on it :)
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