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First clean in a little while today, followed by hail and sun

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That black gold is a great colour... :)

The paint correction has made an awesome difference to the paint on the M3 too! :D
Then yesterday, the Jaag got the same treatment. :)

A full correction and 3 stage enhancement (paint cleanse, sealant & swissvax).
A quick wash for this at the weekend, really needing some proper time spent on it before the summer.

Also tried to reduce the massive bonnet gap a bit, mostly unsuccessfully :p

That looks worse than stock. It appears to rise in the middle :p

-edit. Just looked at some pics. Why is the panel gap so large?? :confused:
I know, was looking at the photo earlier and realised how odd it appears. Will need to either adjust the catch down or raise the sides again (unless it's just the photo but don't think so).

The gap "seems" to be intentional but I honestly have no idea why they done it, serves no meaningful purpose
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