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New rimz yo





God the car rides better without runflats! It's like a different car!

wil give the car a good clean tomorrow and put the plate back on, fell off yesterday
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Those alloys make the car look ten fold better in my opinion. It also looks a lot more elegant without the front plate. I'd try my luck until I got stopped.
Those alloys make the car look ten fold better in my opinion. It also looks a lot more elegant without the front plate. I'd try my luck until I got stopped.

every time i get out of the car i get told by anyone within shouting distance my plate is missing, and have had people coming the other way on backstreets wind down their windows to tell me. 1 day in and it's already a royal pain, it does look 100x better without it but not worth the hassle :/
I REALLY like the look of that C30. Leave the wheels. :)

And an Audi with a petrol engine? No way, you photostopped that boot badge on.

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