Wardie said:
Just out of curiosity, where do the rest of you who can't show your racks work?
Just think of anywhere sensitive data of national importance might be stored, and you'd probably be close enough.
I've worked in some ultra-secure places as a contractor, and let me tell you they are a nightmare. First off you have to get security clearance, which can take 6 months and requires background checks with the police and MI5, sometimes if you've travelled abroad they'll check with foreign intelligence services to make sure you're kosher.
Then you have the sites themselves, which usually have layered security. The first layer gets you access to the building. You have an ID check with the front desk before you're allowed in, but apart from that security at this level is about the same as working at a major bank - you have very limited internet access and no email access apart from the account they issue you with.
The second layer gets worse. You have your laptop and mobile phone taken off you and put in a locker, and are issued with a standard build laptop and phone to conform to their standards. Any software you wish to bring in is checked out by their security guys, which can take a while.
The final layer gets you access to the data center floor. Remote access to the servers is completely disabled, if you want to work on them you have to sit at a terminal at the end of the rack. You're not allowed to take anything in with you at all - you will be searched, have the laptop and phone taken off you, any documents will be confiscated. Anything you plan to do to a live server will have had to be planned to the exact keystroke, with backout plans, and will have to go through approval before you do it - which can potentially take weeks. Any software you want on the shop floor goes through an ultra-deep virus and malware checking process, which can take a week. Finally, they operate an airlock system. You are put into an airlock and weighed before you enter, and weighed again as you come out. If there's too much of a difference? Strip search, and full body cavity search if they think there's a need.
To get from the car park to the shop floor takes a bare minimum of 2 hours, and maybe an hour to get out again. The lengths they go to to protect their environment are extreme - doing something as simple as diagnosing and fixing a misconfigured IP address can take 18 months.
Yeah, these are awful places to work. But the pay makes up for it.