Show us your TFT setups!!


My current setup, although it'll pretty much all be changed soon :) :

Samsung SyncMaster 710MP (soon - i.e. within the next 12 months - to be replaced with a 24" widescreen monitor)
Shutte SS56Gv3 (soon to be replaced with an SB83G2B)
Teac CR-H250 (soon to be replaced by a Yamaha v2600 or Denon 3806 and Sony CX-860)
Mission 780 speakers (soon to be replaced with Quad 11Ls)
Xbox 360
My Dell E172FP which is slowly dying (Screen keeps going blank and needs to be turned off then off)

Pics Taken with Sony Ericsson K750i, noise reduced in photoshop

Colours are truely messed up with the camera phone!

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