Show Us Your XBox 360 Setup!

You see loads of people with there 360 in horizontal position (myself also) but people say you should never have it in vertical I assume the reason for this is the risk of the console falling over and scratching the disk? who actualy puts there 360 in vertical anyway?

I do, not by choice, but simply because of lack of room on me desk :)
My Core 360 from Nov 2005 has always been vertical and my cousin also runs it vertical (sold it to him), still working fine.

I personally run my current Premium horizonal as it won't fit in the compartment vertical. :p
go easy on me.. trying to find a set of speakers to replace the eltax ones atm. But cant find any i really like the look of.

I know what you mean. The cable have hardly no room to move unless you remove the bottom Hard drive cage. But it serves me well; looks tidy, and I got more desk room now.
excuse the mess just decorated and setting up fish tank


PS3 WII 360 and Masterchef hemlet :D

My 86 USG tank. Freshly planted should see some growth soon
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