Show Us Your XBox 360 Setup!

Not quite xbox *ahem PS3*.

Apologies for the pq, was taken with my phone. Also was on replay so the image was moving.

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youstolemyid said:
Not quite xbox *ahem PS3*.

Apologies for the pq, was taken with my phone. Also was on replay so the image was moving.


there is a ps3 thread you know, god they're so envious of our console that they have to ambush our thread as well :p

nice tv though.
I use my 360 on the 32" samsung :). Great quality TV with VGA on the 360, not to much difference between component and VGA.


Upated pic of my setup with my new 2 month old 32" Sammy. I had to lose the dual screens for the PC just to fit that bugger on my desk. Can't even drill into the walls to mount it, because they contain material that literally eats drill bits :/ :)

Fear me wallpaper that is gaining cult status around t e h interwebs!
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
That bird from neighbors has massive..........earrings ;)

Faceplate is bling ever thought of doing the controller in one of those chrome kits?
:) Been thinking about it for utterly ages now, ever since I got the faceplate. Just never got around to doing it.
Finished my setup, unfortunately need to find a remote and cable for my speakers since they have gone awol.

Sony 40D3000 100hz/24p TV.
360 with forza cover
Shuttle Media Centre for HD/Mame
Upscaling 1080p DVD Phillips DVD Player
Sky HD

Im waiting for a black wii to come out :p

Andybtsn said:
Mark, you are the worst ever for buying and selling stuff!!! :p

Couldn't wait for the Elite could ya!

What happened to the 50" TV?

It was 55" :) I decided it was too big for my room and swopped it for the Bravia 40", its a much better fit overall.

My wife surprised me with a new 360 for my birthday, i wasnt fussed about the elite, the TV has so many connections on it (does 1080p through component, 3 hdmi's) that even with the 360 on VGA, sky hd, dvd and ps3 on hdmi, i still have room for the wii when i get round to getting another of those.
Kainz said:

Upated pic of my setup with my new 2 month old 32" Sammy. I had to lose the dual screens for the PC just to fit that bugger on my desk. Can't even drill into the walls to mount it, because they contain material that literally eats drill bits :/ :)

Fear me wallpaper that is gaining cult status around t e h interwebs!

Mate, i have the same wallpaper at home, its legendary!

Just got my new telly and loving all the HD goodness :D Ignore the ironing board, i do. Just need to save some pennies for a nice stand now.
PhilC136 said:
Here is my new setup, finished it yesterday. Put everything in its place, went for a blast on forza and got 3 red lights instead :(

Its been playing up a fiar ammount recently with disk read errors and quite a lot of crashing and it has finally died on me :(

Awsome setup now though!


you got the same desk as me :p
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