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Hey Skip, good idea for a thread. Like an OcUK dribbble :p

Im working on peices for my portfolio and as ive not built many sites im making a few concept sites.

This is an idea for a wallpaper gallery, using as much HTML5 + CSS3 as I can.


That is amazing. I love the design.
@pieplough was this a template or have you started that from A.
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Why using as much HTML5 and CSS3 as you can? It seems rather pointless as the majority of viewers still use archaic web browsers and even the modern browsers aren't compatible with HTML5 for the most part, at least not in the way that the W3 wants it rendered. Seems strange for a portfolio to not follow accessibility laws and not render correctly on every platform.
Why using as much HTML5 and CSS3 as you can? It seems rather pointless as the majority of viewers still use archaic web browsers and even the modern browsers aren't compatible with HTML5 for the most part, at least not in the way that the W3 wants it rendered. Seems strange for a portfolio to not follow accessibility laws and not render correctly on every platform.

But soon we will be OK for HTML5. ;)

Thanks mate, I built it from scratch, using photoshop and dreamweaver (in code view :p).

PS when are you expecting launch date? Them wallpapers on the front are the bees knees! lol You care to zip em up? n share If you need any testing done on it just let us all no and could do check overs for errors n stuff. :)

PS have you snapped up a domain yet? ;)
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Just started developing this -

Only put a weeks work in so far so still pretty ropey and almost no content.

happy to hear some feedback if you have the time.
Why using as much HTML5 and CSS3 as you can? It seems rather pointless as the majority of viewers still use archaic web browsers and even the modern browsers aren't compatible with HTML5 for the most part, at least not in the way that the W3 wants it rendered. Seems strange for a portfolio to not follow accessibility laws and not render correctly on every platform.

Well this is one of the big debates in the web industry and it seems to polarize opinion.

There are those who are embracing the new technology avaliable then there are those who are cautious.

Ill start by saying that my site above should render almost exactly the same in most browsers. The HTML5 IE issue taken care of with html5shiv. Then the CSS3 IE problems are all fixed using the CSS3 PIE. The only difference im aware of is that IE wont render the white 1px text shadow on my headings.

Personaly I dont think using the old accessibility argument holds any water these days especialy when it comes to a portfolio, there is simply no excuse to be out of date RE the technologys used. The examples ive given above show you can use HTML5 and CSS3 now.

There certainly are instances where using older tech is vital such as websites that are mainly corprate or government sites for example where IE6 is used, but my portfolio is aimed at getting work with a creative web agency and to tell the truth if a web design company is using IE6 at work then I wouldnt want to work there!

Furthermore people who are waiting to use new tech, there is never going to be a level playing field of browsers. There are always going to be more and less capable browsers. Im guessing you have built a few sites you know the extra work that goes into problem solving for IE, then you may as well use the above methods or similar becuse its still more work but people with decent browsers get to see the new effects and then the more developers using this the more pressure there will be on the browser makers.

There are countless professionals who argue this much better than I am able, such as THIS fellow here.

PS when are you expecting launch date? Them wallpapers on the front are the bees knees! lol You care to zip em up? n share If you need any testing done on it just let us all no and could do check overs for errors n stuff. :)

PS have you snapped up a domain yet? ;)

Hi iDroid, its not going to go live as such. Its an example of what I can do to include in my portfolio that im working on just now. The wallpapers are not my own work but ones ive found from over the net. If you want them I can zip some up and give you a link? (they will all be 1920x1200)
....HTML 5 Comments...

The important thing is to use CSS3 and HTML5 to add polish to a site. ANY commercial site needs to work in ie7+ (ie6 if the client requires it).

When I use new technologies I only use it to enhance elements that are not key to functionality, because the vast majority of users will need to experience it without those embellishments.
Hi iDroid, its not going to go live as such. Its an example of what I can do to include in my portfolio that im working on just now. The wallpapers are not my own work but ones ive found from over the net. If you want them I can zip some up and give you a link? (they will all be 1920x1200)

yes please. All the ones you have in the demo page would be good.
I like it - really clean site.

Very nice! The upward shadows on the footer make me feel a little uncomfortable though…

Thanks for the comments guys, didn't expect it :).

Site has now been signed off by the 'client' and build has finished: Built on Wordpress so just awaiting the content now. Actually quite happy with how alike the build is to the Photoshop design.

Also, I say 'client' as it's a cheap paid job for a friend of a friend, so not totally 'proper', and mainly just to add to my portfolio.
The important thing is to use CSS3 and HTML5 to add polish to a site. ANY commercial site needs to work in ie7+ (ie6 if the client requires it).

When I use new technologies I only use it to enhance elements that are not key to functionality, because the vast majority of users will need to experience it without those embellishments.

I totaly agree, knowing when and how to use it is important but people can and should be using it now. Especialy for personal projects.

yes please. All the ones you have in the demo page would be good.

Ill get on to that later mate :)
Awesome mate, how much do these bounce pads cost? They look smart! I can see these replacing kiosks!

All on the website! I think the cheapest is about £250 exc VAT. I'm yet to see one in person but from all the shots and videos I've seen they look awesome and like they can be used in a lot of places. I can see somewhere like Ikea having them in the future for product searching and a map of the place.
Hi iDroid, its not going to go live as such. Its an example of what I can do to include in my portfolio that im working on just now. The wallpapers are not my own work but ones ive found from over the net. If you want them I can zip some up and give you a link? (they will all be 1920x1200)

@pieplough you had any luck zipping these up? I think you should develop that site further or sell a template to someone on here to develop. :D

That site would be rather cool.
I'm working on a chair, i do this most days as standing up isn't practical when working at a pc ;)

Think I'll be starting on the company website soon :eek: or should i say a nice simple wordpress template with added company images / text about our projects :)
@pieplough you had any luck zipping these up? I think you should develop that site further or sell a template to someone on here to develop. :D

That site would be rather cool.

Sorry mate, totally forgot. Sent you an email via trust :)


That green is indeed very nasy, will each page have a diferent colour based on the nav links? You could maybe tone it down subtly and see if anyone notices :D
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