Shuttle SP35P2 Pro is go!

Would these shuttles cope well left on 24/7 cos Im guessing there not very loud and you could leave the leds disconnected? Like ive never had a shuttle before, and I like the idea of having a little dinky pc.

I can imagine them being fine m8, esp based on the Intel chipset :cool:

Might just get a bit dusty, just open it up every couple of months & give it a good blast of compressed air from a can :)

I'd certainly read around before getting one - very mixed results. I certainly would read around if you are getting a quad core; very hot CPU's out there for shuttle users.

Also watch out when reading forum posts where someone has a quad core at over 3G and a GTX. Yeah they have the screen shots to prove it but you dont know what their rig looks like (i.e. cover off and about 3 desk top fans pointing at it?) :)

I've got a now ye olde SN25P and I love it, but Shuttle support is probably as bad as it gets if you get issues. Just read around before taking the leap :)
I'd certainly read around before getting one - very mixed results. I certainly would read around if you are getting a quad core; very hot CPU's out there for shuttle users.

Also watch out when reading forum posts where someone has a quad core at over 3G and a GTX. Yeah they have the screen shots to prove it but you dont know what their rig looks like (i.e. cover off and about 3 desk top fans pointing at it?) :)

I've got a now ye olde SN25P and I love it, but Shuttle support is probably as bad as it gets if you get issues. Just read around before taking the leap :)

a fair point, but I've ran a G0 quad [at 3.2 gig iirc] and a gtx in my SD37P2 which is practically the same machine, I like a cool & quiet machine so ditched the gtx as I wasn't comfortable with the extra heat it added to the case, it never caused any crashes however and I could run it on minimal fan speeds.

I was indeed going to buy an SD35, based upon my experiences with the SD37, but as previously stated got fed up with missed delivery dates from another supplier, so bought an alternative Shuttle.

Unpredictably this turned out to be a godsend as I have now reconfigured my SD37 with a pair of 3850's and am well pleased.
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