It does expand yeah but its the fact that almost from the start you're tripping over other civs all over the place thats annoying, too the maps are designed to be played on a mobile or tablet and for quick games rather than epic length marathon games where every civ has space and time to build up before running into each other. The map expanding with each age is something I like but I would prefer to have even the first age be a huge map rather than a small one. Currently there are only 3 map sizes (Tiny, Small and Standard), I would like to see Large, Extra Large and Huge/Giant added to those so that the gameworld can be very large to start with, something so that it feels like we are playing on something the size of Europe and Africa rather than playing on something the size of Britain - if that makes sense. I've got a chunky PC with a hefty smack of ram, give me the ability to use it, dont restrict my mapsizes to the scope of a tablet or mobile. Thankfully they did say in the dev QandA that they will be adding larger map options so with a bit of luck that will be sooner rather than later.
In terms of the game mechanics, I'm fine with them, its different so far from previous civs but I am actually quite liking the mechanics differences