Sign up for the MAG beta here!

29 Jun 2005

Edit: Keys all gone now innit.

For those who've got in, pick Raven as your Faction so was can all squad up.

Look for the <o> clan to apply to, set up by Apopcalyptic


Server times


Monday - Friday, 18:00 - 21:00 & 01:00 - 05:00

In addition to the above times, here is the schedule of what will be tested on any given day

24/9//09 Acquisition

25/9//09 Acquisition

28/9//09 Acquisition

29/9//09 Acquisition

30/9//09 Acquisition

01/10//09 Domination

02/10/09 Domination

05/10/09 Acquisition

06/10/09 Acquisition

07/10/09 Acquisition

08/10/09 Acquisition

09/10/09 Acquisition

All in BST (The timezone most people on this forum will be on).

Gameplay Guides

Found a link to this on US MAG Beta boards. just reading them now to save me getting another ass whooping when I rejoin the battlefield :)

The folks over at Zipper have put together a Playguide for the MAG Beta. There are several sections and you can check them out through these links:

Setting Up Loadouts in the Armory
Changing Loadouts in the Respawn UI
Barracks: Unlocking Skills and Items
Game Types
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Oh soz, misread your post. The 404 message is browser related, ironically the ps3 browser doesn't like their competition page, so try on a pc and it should work fine.
I've not seen anything like that. You're in your group of 8? but are aware of other squads. This is how they're keeping the lag down, by only showing you the parts of the battlefield you're involved in. You can only hear your squadmates and squad leader. The squad leaders can communicate with each other and another higher ranked officer.
No, he was right, it slowly culminates into an epic 256-man finale.
I cannot wait to come over that hill for the first time...

Eurogamer said:
In a way, the concept is very simple. Zipper takes that scary number of players, breaks it down into something friendly and familiar - squads of eight facing off in 16-player struggles for an objective or two - and then builds it up again. 16-player skirmishes segue smoothly into 32-player firefights as squads converge. Then 32 players become 64 as attackers and defenders move on from subsidiary to primary objectives. Then you look over a hill, or a building, and see the mirror image of the battle you're fighting on the other side of the map. Then it happens again.
Wow, it's probably a good thing my Katamari hasn't arrived early, otherwise with this, plus the PES 2010 demo out later, my gf would be a complete PlayStation widow!
That's great news, I'm glad they're doing something about it!
I'm away all next week, so this way I might be able to play the game this week, instead of when I got back! :D
Mine's maxing out my O2 connection, getting about a meg a second.
Won't be able to finish it though, I need the PS3 for Play TV when my gf gets back from her run in a short while.
I'll probably see you all on the battlefield tomorrow night though! :D
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