Signing On

3 Jan 2009
I'm about to sign on for the first time but I'm a bit worried about the attention it could bring. Recently I've had a few cash in hands jobs. I wasn't claiming benefits at the time and I didn't declare this income so I paid no tax on it. Over the past couple of months I paid that money into my bank account, about £3500. If I start collecting the dole is it likely that someone will start to take a closer look at my financial history and ask me to pay tax on that money?
Yes, you need to declare any savings to the agency, if you dont and they find out then they wont be happy. I think any savings over 3k will affect the amount you can get but dont quote me on that!
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If it is JSA then anything over 3k will affect the claim....i think.

Im ok then, am going today and am currently quite a bit overdrawn (within the limit the bank have set me) and only have 250 quid in a savings account.
Thats the point...if not declared and they find out then they will not be happy..if you have it in a bank then move it,they may ask for bank statements which they are entitled to do.
All they ask is "have you any bank accounts with large amounts of cash in?", you reply "no" and nothing more is asked or inquired.
Have a baby with a 16 year old, wear a hoodie and walk into the dole office, you will come out with a free flat, paid every other week for the rest of your life, sorted.

Unfortunatly, for real workers who work hard, we have no benefits, when I was in the army, I came out due to generating a marble nerve in my back, been working all my life, and I wasn't entitled to claim any sort of money! Yet I paid all that national insurance... Total ****ers tbh.

Was skint for 6 months laying on my couch in agony until I was fit to work again.

This guy has £3k in savings from working and nobody seems to be angry that he's about to start claiming the tax that WE'VE paid?

Nope, just because he's signing on doesn't mean he's not trying to get work/improve his position. Put that enormous taring brush away, you hardly know any detail of his personal circumstances so can't give any sort of fair opinion on him.
Nope, just because he's signing on doesn't mean he's not trying to get work/improve his position. Put that enormous taring brush away, you hardly know any detail of his personal circumstances so can't give any sort of fair opinion on him.

I know he has £3.5k tax-free. Unless he's living in a mansion that's a good few months of decent living.

Maybe I'm different - I'd be down to my last penny before I even considered signing on.
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