Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

The pressure of the water going up is not that much so it shouldn't dislodge the filter. When you originally fitted the filter did you fit the clip at the bottom of the chain to the bottom of the syphon tube and was it really secure? It's always worth making sure the filter is centred after putting the clip on. Also you shouldn't really need too much pressure when fitting the top to the bottom to form a seal in the first place. If you push it right in, it can be a bugger to get out at the end. Just experiment some more and use just as much pressure as you need to keep the seal.

Next time as you see the water starting to rise, turn the gas right down so that the water it still moving up but moving up very slowly. It's pretty much minimum heat on my burner but you may need to give it a little more. Also when you put the coffee into the top you don't want too much heat so that the water there is bubbling furiously. Another thing is when you are stirring, try and stir as shallow as you can and for as little time as needed.

My first few results were terrible but after I was shown how to use it properly, it's pretty much consistent now (in a good way!!).

By the way I'm not a syphon meister!! I've been shown the method though by someone who is.
Aaaaaaaaah the little hook! That explains everything, I completely missed that when I watched the video! :p I feel like an idiot now, should've realized there was a purpose for that spring there. I've got a while to go before I'm admitted to the syphonmeister's guild! :D

Thinking of getting the paper filter holder by the way - the cloth thing smells a bit, no matter how thoroughly I wash it! Didn't know if it was ok to use soap on it so I just rinsed it thoroughly before use and ran boiling water through it, and rinsed it again after each brew.
Ah good stuff! You can see now that using the hook does hold the filter down very firmly :)

Flibster mentioned that Oxyclean is good for cleaning the cloth filter and also not to let the cloth filter dry out otherwise it will stink. I've not tried that yet as I put mine it in a little bag and into the freezer straight after using and rinsing it but now I'm using paper filters from Hasbean. They come as a pack of 50 filters with an adapter.
Well I've finally taken the plunge and ordered a Chemex and some of the recommended Bolivian stuff from Hasbean.

Also plumped for a Porlex Tall Grinder as the Skerton seemed either sold out or a tad pricey everywhere it was in stock. I'm sure I'll get an electric grinder at some point but this will be a good starting point I'm sure and will make a nice change from the French press and stale pre ground I currently have to settle for!
So i've just placed an order for the baratza vario from hasbean after reading too many reviews online! it seemed to be the best bang for buck without jumping up to something really serious and in a one bed flat I needed something relatively small. Any other owners on here? tips for dialling in?

I'm going to pick up some cheap beans to mess around with before trying something more serious. Looking forward to seeing the difference between buying ground and home grinding :)
Finally started working on the Gaggia Classic my partner bought from a car bootsale for £15, over a year ago.
The Kenwood ES547 was still working O.K. for me, though for the last few months, every type of coffee has the same dull, dirty taste.
So now to get going on real espresso making.
I have ordered some puly caf descaler and cleaner. Also going to need a new shower head, awaiting a response from an ebay seller, as to whether or not the one he is selling is the correct fit.
Also ordered a Porlex Tall Grinder and my first order from Hasbeans, Bolivia Finca Loayza 2011; all on the strength of this thread of course and only to aid my passion in getting the Gaggia running well.
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Holy old quote batman!

Also just noticed that you're from Ealing. Have you had a chance to pop into Cafe Freddo? Excellent coffee and you should be able to pick up some of their Hasbean blend from there.

I finally got round the checking out cafe freddo and it seems like a cool place. I just went for a quick americano which was fairly decent. I should have tried something a bit more exciting tbh :p Food looked great too.

The real reason for my visit was to pickup some more beans, which I did. However they weren't Has Bean, they were Union beans. I have to say I'm not impressed at all! I'm not sure what to put it down to - I have a feeling it's possibly more of how (and how long?) they've been kept at cafe freddo. They're very oily/shiny and very dark too. Not a nice cup of coffee at all! In fact they're very similar to the cheap beans that are kept sweating in our kitchen at work. Yuck. What would be the blame for that? :(
Coffee Machines, what to get on a £100 budget?

Hi boys

I got £100 to spend, its burning a hole in my pocket and i really fancy some fresh coffee right now.

Them one's with the disks look kinda simple and clean to use. I want to be able to make a cappuccino and some fresh black coffee, not really bother about latte moca cocker nonsense tho.

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