Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

Ran out of my last bag of hasbean coffee and resorted to some £2.50 standard tesco stuff, picked it up at 11pm lol it's doesn't taste too bad, perfectly drinkable, not that much creme but in an americano it taste fine.
Ran out of my last bag of hasbean coffee and resorted to some £2.50 standard tesco stuff, picked it up at 11pm lol it's doesn't taste too bad, perfectly drinkable, not that much creme but in an americano it taste fine.

It's good to know that there are some drinkable emergency beans out there. Which one did you buy? I've tried the Nero stuff which to me tastes OK at £5 for 500g. Is it bad that I prefer to give that kind of coffee to guests that like it with milk and two sugars?!! :D
It's good to know that there are some drinkable emergency beans out there. Which one did you buy? I've tried the Nero stuff which to me tastes OK at £5 for 500g. Is it bad that I prefer to give that kind of coffee to guests that like it with milk and two sugars?!! :D

It's the tesco own stuff, White bag, red label. It's not even the Tesco Finest range lol, that was £3.29 for 275g. This is £2.50 a bag. Nice emergency coffee really.
It's the tesco own stuff, White bag, red label. It's not even the Tesco Finest range lol, that was £3.29 for 275g. This is £2.50 a bag. Nice emergency coffee really.

Thanks. Will give that a try sometime :)

New place opening up on Tuesday.
St. Ali have a Sensory Lab opening on Wigmore St. in London.

Guess where I'm going on Tuesday? ;)

Skegness? :p
Have any of you tried the Nero beans I mentioned? I spoke to someone from their offices a while back and they told me that from roasting to being sold in the shop is around 2-3 weeks and most of the Nero shops around here store their beans in a fridge. I don't think the coffee is too bad in a milk based drink but I'd like so hear what other people think, good or bad. It's cheap at £4.99 for 500g.
Skegness? :p

People willingly go to Skegness?

Hehe, not bad! :D My emergency coffee is the Sainsburys Taste the Difference stuff at £2.89 a bag.

Mine is whatever the girlfriend brings home from Nude Espresso or Taylor St. Baristas.

Have any of you tried the Nero beans I mentioned? I spoke to someone from their offices a while back and they told me that from roasting to being sold in the shop is around 2-3 weeks and most of the Nero shops around here store their beans in a fridge. I don't think the coffee is too bad in a milk based drink but I'd like so hear what other people think, good or bad. It's cheap at £4.99 for 500g.

Storing bean in fridge is bad.

Very humid environment. Beans are very dry through the roasting and sticking them in the fridge isn't good for them.

Cant honestly say I've tried the beans though.
People willingly go to Skegness?

When living in the Nottingham as a nipper, we went there many times on Saturday school trips. I remember the crap beach (sometimes literally) but good fish & chips. The teacher had no imagination apart from the time he decided we should go to Mablethorpe instead!!

Storing bean in fridge is bad.

Very humid environment. Beans are very dry through the roasting and sticking them in the fridge isn't good for them.

Thanks, that's good to know and I wasn't aware of that. I don't store my own beans in the fridge but I do put all but one of my freshly roasted arrivals straight into the freezer and take one pack at a time to thaw for 24 hours before opening. Is that equally bad practice?
Have any of you tried the Nero beans I mentioned? I spoke to someone from their offices a while back and they told me that from roasting to being sold in the shop is around 2-3 weeks and most of the Nero shops around here store their beans in a fridge. I don't think the coffee is too bad in a milk based drink but I'd like so hear what other people think, good or bad. It's cheap at £4.99 for 500g.

I just bought the Neros's "House Blend" beans, last Monday. My goodness they are rough. :) As soon as I saw a BBE, 21/03/2012, I regretted my purchase.
The HappyDonkey Italian beans, I had the week before were a lot fresher tasting and produced a far superior coffee for sure, worlds apart and for the same price.
These produce a dull, muddy, lifeless coffee, very poor show. In their defence, they were not kept in a fridge.
I am glad to see the back of them. I was offering coffees, to the guys doing our new drive all week. :)


Anyway, just bought the next batch and am trying Hasbeans again, got the Blake 3 blend. Double the price of the happyDonkeys and Neros, at £4.00 for 250g, plus £1.96 postage. We'll see if I feel they warrant that extra.

It's the tesco own stuff, White bag, red label. It's not even the Tesco Finest range lol, that was £3.29 for 275g. This is £2.50 a bag. Nice emergency coffee really.
How does this rate to the Lavazza? Used to drink nothing but that really, before I got this Gaggia Classic up and running, in a Kenwood Cafe Retro Machine. That became useless though, seeing as it can't be backflushed, every coffee you put through it now, tastes like stale coffee. I did get a couple of years of use from it.
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Well i'm a complete coffee newb, but i just pulled an all nighter and feel like some caffine so what better time to start? I had a rummage and found one of these going on:


A hoojiewatsitmajig:


And a bag of this:


Ground but you know, any colour as long as it's black. So basically... what the **** do i do? :p
the first thing is just a stove top moca pot, sans pot.

You put hot water in the base, add grinds to a basket and put it on a stove. The water boils and pushs up throught the coffee and out into cups under the spouts.

The coffee PermaBanned might be ok for that, but it'd be better in the french press i'd say
Hasbean is expensive, but still cheaper than Union and WAY cheaper than Square Mile! Shame the postage costs have gone up so much recently :(

Bear in mind that Squaremile bags are 350g versus hasbeans 250g so the price difference isn't that huge though there are some beans that are just expensive full stop.
the first thing is just a stove top moca pot, sans pot.

You put hot water in the base, add grinds to a basket and put it on a stove. The water boils and pushs up throught the coffee and out into cups under the spouts.

The coffee PermaBanned might be ok for that, but it'd be better in the french press i'd say

Turns out it was easier than that. As in - take jug out of coffee machine and pour into mug :p

But yeah, i'd like to get into coffee, it's just that whenever i try it it seems to be too bitter and not 'nutty' enough for it to be 'nice'. If that makes any sense.
Well got the hasbean El salvador finca Argentina tasting pack this morning as well as the subscription coffee pack of breakfast bomb.

If I'm honest I mainly got this to try the cascara just to see what it was like and although I followed the hasbean suggested brew method the first cup was a complete disaster. It seemed far too weak both in taste and colour for my tastes. Although it has given me a suprisingly good caffeine kick this morning. As a first effort I think milk just over powers the flavour too much and you just get the creaminess of the milk coming through but black you get the hint of saltanas and other dried fruit flavours coming through. Some more experimentation is required to get a level of taste that I am happy with, I just need to set up a tasting session to see if the different processing methods change the flavours or mouth feel.
Wow! Never seen something like that before! Never would've guessed it was a stove-top either, at first I thought it was just something that broke off a proper espresso machine.

A hoojiewatsitmajig:
Don't try to bamboozle me with all your technobabble! :p

Bear in mind that Squaremile bags are 350g versus hasbeans 250g so the price difference isn't that huge though there are some beans that are just expensive full stop.

True, very true. And Hasbean sells quite a few stupidly expensive beans too. I get very sore at paying Royal Mail almost half as much as I pay Steve every time I order coffee though. Particularly when they don't even deliver it, just stick a red card through the letterbox and run away without even knocking!

If I'm honest I mainly got this to try the cascara just to see what it was like and although I followed the hasbean suggested brew method the first cup was a complete disaster. It seemed far too weak both in taste and colour for my tastes. Although it has given me a suprisingly good caffeine kick this morning. As a first effort I think milk just over powers the flavour too much and you just get the creaminess of the milk coming through but black you get the hint of saltanas and other dried fruit flavours coming through. Some more experimentation is required to get a level of taste that I am happy with, I just need to set up a tasting session to see if the different processing methods change the flavours or mouth feel.

It needs a high temperature and a much longer brew time than you'd think! You're probably better off with a normal ceramic teapot (pre-warmed), they retain heat much better than a French press. Every time I make it, the first cup I pour out is weak, like you say, but the second one is always better. Don't skimp on the amount you use either. I normally have it with a bit of unrefined sugar. It's got a really pleasant kick to it.
It needs a high temperature and a much longer brew time than you'd think! You're probably better off with a normal ceramic teapot (pre-warmed), they retain heat much better than a French press. Every time I make it, the first cup I pour out is weak, like you say, but the second one is always better. Don't skimp on the amount you use either. I normally have it with a bit of unrefined sugar. It's got a really pleasant kick to it.

Just out of interest what are the ratio's that you used. I used the 24g/1l of water ratio but that seemed to be too low. Should I be looking to use say 30 - 40g/l?

As for brew time I think 4 minutes is too low so will try 5/6 minutes instead.
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