FINALLY got my Joulies as well, they took their good sweet time getting here!
They're way bigger than I expected, I think 3 of them in a mug would severely reduce my coffee intake!

Took a photo of them next to my mouse and some real coffee beans for easy comparison here:
Sorry about my mouse getting overexcited, it really liked its new mouse-shaped friends. But anyway they do seem to be doing the job, one day when i'm not feeling lazy I'll use my thermometer and do some proper experiments, see how long a mug of water will stay warm with 0, 1 and 2 Joulies in it.
I'm a little apprehensive about having something metallic in an acidic drink though. Especially if the stuff inside somehow leaks out.
Dunno if its cheating a bit using the pod coffee makers but a few of the Nescafe Dolce Gusto models are coming down in price.
The smaller version is £49 in Tesco and theres a bigger version in Comet for £49
Does anyone here have one of these? How do you rate them? Got any good places to buy the pods?
My sister has one, tried it, didn't like it. Coffee's flat and stale (no wonder since it's probably been sitting in those pods for months). VERY quick and hassle-free machines though, take seconds and need almost no cleaning.
Don't be fooled by the low price, they gouge you on pods apparently. The good ol' HP inkjet printer method. I did read that there's a sizable side-industry of other companies making coffee pods for Nespresso machines about a year ago (some selling them for way less than Nestle, others using better coffee, single origin beans etc), but last I heard Nestle were moving against them legally, trying to shut them down.