tear-down of machine yesterday to try and fix OPV which seems to be providing too low pressure
- seems better, although didn't put enough ptfe tape so some small weep from a joint , so will repeat if the fix proves robust.
I think there may have been some scale debris causing issue (not closing fully)
- salmon pink colour - yuck, is a consequence of using citric acid I think
- syphoned the boiler out, but still quite a lot of water in the tubes which is difficult to control when you decouple opv & pump.
- some of the opv parts seemed to have threadlock so had to grip it in workbench (I need a bench vice)
- If I could find a parts kit to replace rubbers/springs I would do that next time.
yes I realised - using coffee roasted less than 6 days ago, as you suggest, usually doesn't produce predictable espresso results - usually get too rapid flow - blond gush, so you let it rest ;
I've wasted enough expensive beans over the years, when you get home from the coffee shop full of expectation.