Right I'm wondering if anything I'm missing here.
I've purchased around 5 different blends now from HasBean, but I'm still amiss at why I'm not tasting the subtle 'special' elements of the beans.
I've got a Gaggia Classic and a Aeropress, and as much as they make really nice coffee, it's not as 'special' as I thought it would be.
My machine is cleaned, my shots are taking #~25sec with a nice 'rat's tale' and crema is pretty good. I've tried corse all the way too very fine and still not a massive change.
The espresso I can tell the difference in beans but not overly so, and once I turn it into a Amereicano the game is lost.
I can't much comment on late yet as I've a new wand arriving Monday.
I can't think of what else I can do?