Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

So, I've just tried this and it's lovely. My only issue is my coffee mugs are more like 300ml. But you can only fit what, 200ml in an AP? So trying his method I'm left with half a mug of coffee :(

Any way to use his method and dilute to 300ml ish? I'm guessing simply upping the weight of beans wouldnt work... Call me a heathen for having a big cup of joe if you like :p
Easiest solution: By a V60 and switch to pour-over :p
Easiest solution: By a V60 and switch to pour-over :p

I am an advocate of V60 as a method outside an espresso machine. I think James Hoffmann uses a V60 at home too and the head roaster guy at Rave also prefers V60.

Moka pot, Aeropress, Chemex and a backseat. V60 straight into the mug is the LEAST mess, easiest method, least to clean, easiest to clean of them all. The Chemex comes close but you can't get your hand inside the glass and that bugs me. You need a little brush tool for that. Also the coffee gets cold by the time it hits the big container, then decanter. It's only useful for more than 1 person cup.

Everything else has multiple parts to clean, Aeropress has 3 parts, Moka pot has 3 parts, Cold Brew (mine anyway) has 3-4 parts. V60 has 1 little thing, put sit the entire thing with the paper filter in the sink while i have my cup for it to drain properly before putting the paper filter with the grind into the bin. Then just 1 thing to clean.
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ok, re-up time and with all the Wogan love going down in here i'll have to give them a go - what are people's recommendations? (that are in stock :p)

I have the Peruvian Cafe Fermenino, and Costa Rican Tarrazú Dota Hermosa Honey arriving today, plus some decaf, will let you know :)

Previously had the Mio's Microlot which was wonderful, but out of stock now. The Kenyan Peaberry is a lovely smooth filter coffee, but I didn't try pulling espresso with it. The Colombian La Laguna Reserva is fine, but a bit plain compared to the others.

I second what @mid_gen has said. The Peruvin Fermenino is very nice - the Mio's Microlot was special but it was only a monthly special and all gone. Wish I bought the KG of it!

Honourable mention to the Nicarguan Finca la Bastila and the Natural version but its out of stock at the moment.

The monthly special sounds interesting and luckily I need to go to the office tomorrow so I'll grab a bag of that on the way home
Currently on a bag of Red Alert from Blind Owl Roastery in Bristol

Blind Owl said:
Don’t worry, don’t panic! This versatile blend is your cupboard’s new best friend. Combining the flavours of our favourite house Colombia with a full-bodied Brazilian bean, this cup brings you a chocolatey base & a fruity twist that’s delicious however you choose to brew. Expect smooth, rich milk chocolate, complemented by berry & almond - it’s got the sweetness of a warm blueberry pie.

Brazil (El Dorado Farm) & Colombia (Inza Cauca)
Roast: Medium

Can't work out if I like it or not just yet
I am an advocate of V60 as a method outside an espresso machine. I think James Hoffmann uses a V60 at home too and the head roaster guy at Rave also prefers V60.

have you tried clever dripper type style, where you can stir the brew around / immersion, before releasing valve to let the coffee through ? seems wilfa have one -
I need to dig out the electric filter coffe machine I used pre-espresso days, their filter holders will lock off the flow until you put the carafe beneath, so could do this.
have you tried clever dripper type style, where you can stir the brew around / immersion, before releasing valve to let the coffee through ? seems wilfa have one -
I need to dig out the electric filter coffe machine I used pre-espresso days, their filter holders will lock off the flow until you put the carafe beneath, so could do this.

I have one of those but I don’t like the valve they have, overtime they get gunk in there and often hard to clean l.
which brand of valved dripper did you get ... the clever one, doesn't look mechanically clever, or easy to clean;
looks like cotton bud territory .. which is what I use for portafilter spout.
which brand of valved dripper did you get ... the clever one, doesn't look mechanically clever, or easy to clean;
looks like cotton bud territory .. which is what I use for portafilter spout.

I use the clever dripper. Cleaning it is normally just the case of filling with water, giving it a swirl and then opening the valve to let it drain out. There isn't any 'gunk' to collect around the valve as the particulates are held by the filter paper. Every so often I just leave it to soak in the washing up bowl and then give it a good rinse afterwards.
Just cracked into Wogan's Nicaraguan Finca La Bastilla, its supposed to be their medium to light roast, but dialed in at 1:2 i'm getting quite a bitter cup without a huge amount of definition - will keep having a play with it and see if i can get something better out.

Is that a new macro lense - remember admiring famas's insect macro shots,
if you can take pictures of grind, then with appropriate AI software should be able to appraise the grind uniformity. ?

I saw some of @famas's macro photography (more please) ... so could be scope for gratuitous revealing of crumb structure, or crema ?
had googled 'Tokina 100mm AT-X pro.' thinking ... i want one of those.
It's a macro lens, not new, I've had it a couple of years. I only use it to take photos of wedding rings. I guess i could take photos of grind but I would like an even more magnification macro lens for that.
Todays pop to the office ended with this...


But I am a weak man and even though it was only roasted yesterday I couldn't help myself making a covfefe when I got home.


One day I'll actually be able to do something that resembles a bit of art on top but that day is not today :p

I ended up talking to someone there who sources all the specials. He said the Brazilian Mio's Microlot was such a success that they're trying to make it a staple on the menu. Fingers crossed because I think those of us that had it would say it was something special
Going to take it to the next level...with coffee prices rising, I am thinking the way to get good beans cheap for the LONG term is to roast it myself. Has anyone done this and what method/machine do you have?
Going to take it to the next level...with coffee prices rising, I am thinking the way to get good beans cheap for the LONG term is to roast it myself. Has anyone done this and what method/machine do you have?

I think it's a false economy. I did some home roasting for a while with a 1st generation Behmor coffee roaster and I wasted loads of beans doing it. Some were under roasted, some over. Very rarely did I get it spor on and when it wasn't spot on the end result was no better than a bag of supermarket beans.

Plus the smell of roasting coffee is fairly nasty, nothing like I expected it to be.
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