Until a few months ago I was drinking a lot of instant — like six to eight cups a day (sometime more).
The ‘your morning routine’ thread in GD made me reassess things and I decided to try having less coffee but making sure it was better coffee when I did drink it.
So I dusted off an old cafetière and got some pre-ground blend from the supermarket.
That was a step up and then I got some ‘posh’ stuff from the local farm shop (I can’t remember what it was now). Then I discovered that a local café sells coffee from a nearby roaster.
I was enjoying that (still pre-ground blend) and came across Hoffmann on YouTube. The first thing I learnt was that I have been using a cafetière wrong my whole life! His technique definitely does make a difference. The second thing I learnt was that I should really buy whole beans and grind them myself.
So now I’m waiting for a Hario Mini Mill to be delivered and I also found out that the roaster who supplies the local café sells direct and does single-origin beans. So I’m waiting for some beans from them as well.
Binging on JH made me think about espresso which led me to my original question about the Gaggia. But I may be getting ahead of myself.
I guess I should see how I get on with the fresh beans and hand grinder. Then maybe look at a decent electric grinder before moving onto an espresso machine…
It feels like I’m starting out on a slippery slope though!