"Simple" maths problem has got me bugging..

You have 1000 metres in a kilometre, but in a kilometre squared, you have 1000 metres squared (1000m x 1000m = 1,000,000m^2), or 1,000,000 m^2.

In 100km, you have 100 x 1000 metres, which is 100,000 metres. In 100km squared, you have 100,000 metres squared, which is 100,000m x 100,000m = 10,000,000,000 m^2.
Dutch Guy said:
But what is it in inches, feet and yards :confused: :D

Seriously though, I thought the UK did not use the Metric system?

We use both.

Say like for the road its all imperial. People weigh themselve in both kg and stone. Metric is mainly used now for measurements (as in mm etc) but the older generation still seem to use imperial. It really is quite a bad mix of units in UK. :p
Dutch Guy said:
But what is it in inches, feet and yards :confused: :D

Seriously though, I thought the UK did not use the Metric system?

Most of use are taught metric in schools but still have to use imperial for most day-to-day stuff due to luddites who refuse to let go of the past.

Consequently most of us can do calculations and stuff in metric and can tell you how far away something is in yards but we can't work stuff out in feet/inches/pounds and if you gave us something heavy and asked us roughly how many kilos it weighed we couldn't tell you. :confused:
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