Simulating the UK

28 days later might be more analogous of whats happening here though - who'll survive

yep film has a female mercenary who infiltrates scottish zombie/penile colony to extract the guy with the cure - escape from New York remake - is there a cure for UK

What a dick move. Was the colony run by Master Bater?
  • Segregated colour/race living areas.

  • Islam is now the dominate religion.

  • 1Bn illegal immigrants.

  • NHS bled dry and no longer exists.

  • Crime stats highest ever.

  • Police are now Judge Dredds ie law enforcement and judicial officer.

  • 40 degree temperatures due to climate change.
If your game is going to be realistic :)
  • Segregated colour/race living areas.

  • Islam is now the dominate religion.

  • 1Bn illegal immigrants.

  • NHS bled dry and no longer exists.

  • Crime stats highest ever.

  • Police are now Judge Dredds ie law enforcement and judicial officer.

  • 40 degree temperatures due to climate change.
If your game is going to be realistic :)
You must be fun at parties.

Dictatorship is the way forward, with people told what is good for them (because it would be good for them)
Me as the Dictator obvs.
I would reform the House of Lords. Now it is no longer Heriditory or a reward for helping the poltical elite. It will instead be filled with Scientists and Engineers and other experts in thier field. They will not be voted in by the general public but by the members of their Chartered field. They will form commities and have the power to stop legislation in their field. However if 25% of the oppostion in goverment also votes for the law it will overide the new House of Lords. Hopefully this would still keep it Democratic and stop political parties only doing whats in their best interest.
It would be difficult to predict how we'd do in a simulated UK as I suspect we never get told the full picture of how much money the UK has.

On the one hand the government pleads poverty and then when it wants to do something billions come out of no where to pay for it.

I suspect we're a lot richer than we're told.
I would reform the House of Lords. Now it is no longer Heriditory or a reward for helping the poltical elite. It will instead be filled with Scientists and Engineers and other experts in thier field. They will not be voted in by the general public but by the members of their Chartered field. They will form commities and have the power to stop legislation in their field. However if 25% of the oppostion in goverment also votes for the law it will overide the new House of Lords. Hopefully this would still keep it Democratic and stop political parties only doing whats in their best interest.

I quite like this, but it may lead to capture of key policy areas by special interest groups.

For an example, I believe (can't reference, dammit!) there was resistance to training more undergrad students by the British Dental Association.
Actually, in the real world it's all about innovation and the rule of law (which makes the UK a safe place to innovate).

I agree, but the numbers have to add up.

It would be difficult to predict how we'd do in a simulated UK as I suspect we never get told the full picture of how much money the UK has.

On the one hand the government pleads poverty and then when it wants to do something billions come out of no where to pay for it.

I suspect we're a lot richer than we're told.

For sure! The balance sheet would make for intriguing reading. A quick scan of some statistics:

Total population - 67.33 million
Number of employed - 32.7 million, 5.74 million of them are in the public sector, 1.5 million in the NHS alone.

How much does income tax and other stuff rake in?



How would you spend £916,000,000,000? :D
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