Single black female: Love Island and the problem with race and dating

Despite being a white guy I have dated/engaged/and finally married pretty much every type of girl going apart from caucasian.

Indian (married), Pakistani (dated), Japanese (dated), Persian (engaged), Caribbean (dated), and Nigerian (dated).

Its not to say that I don't appreciate good looking white girls, its just that I like variety!
Most white guys won't find black women attractive, unless their are some "white" genes in there (so the African features are less pronounced). You get exceptions, but it's rare. It's pretty much the same with all animals.

Put one black female in with a bunch of white women and white men and the outcome is quite predictable. But of course they have obviously done this to kick start some drama for publicity.

But yea, you don't get intelligent people on shows like this. Smart people don't apply for them because they don't GAF about it, which is why you only get chads and fish lipped "Essex girls" :p
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I confess I skimmed the OP but I'll presume the issue raised is "preference" or more accurately your preference should actually be non-preferential based uniformaly on a mirror image of your own brand or flavour. You should have no singular want, desire or subscription and universal conformity to all is the only acceptable position in a free and fair society.

Hohum, rise of the bigots.
Some people saved the data, not sure where though i'm afraid. I saw it before it all got purged and laughed.

I can't even begin to imagine how much the data from Tinder would warp peoples minds.

Google says some Danes made a 70,000 person data base using bots claiming data was already public so they didn't need to anaonmise it and that's still out there

Most white guys won't find black women attractive, unless their are some "white" genes in there (so the African features are less pronounced). You get exceptions, but it's rare. It's pretty much the same with all animals.

Put one black female in with a bunch of white women and white men and the outcome is quite predictable. But of course they have obviously done this to kick start some drama for publicity.

But yea, you don't get intelligent people on shows like this. Smart people don't apply for them because they don't GAF about it, which is why you only get chads and fish lipped "Essex girls" :p

There have been mixed race black and Asian guys on the show (Asian guy did terribly iirc) before but women have been pretty much all white.

I dont know why it's a problem when the black women doesn't get picked but fine when any man of any race doesn't get picked
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But yea, you don't get intelligent people on shows like this. Smart people don't apply for them because they don't GAF about it, which is why you only get chads and fish lipped "Essex girls" :p

So how did the doctor get on the show? I bet there's plenty of intelligent people apply they'll just get turned down as they don't fit the phenotype they're after.

You could argue who's really the intelligent ones in all of this, as those on the show have found an easy way to make money without much effort, while millions of people who watch the show slug away at the 9-5 life and use shows like this one as escapsim. Anyhow if society was all about worshipping intelligence the world would be a much different place.^tfw&ref_url=

Particularly love this tweet. Yeah let's get some average looking guys on instead of gigachads i'm sure the girls will pick him cause they love diversity! not.....

Dr Chadlite already got a taste of this. Respectable guy, decent job, normal looking. Nahhhhh not chad enough. Next.

Ironic given her previous tweet

Lol and literally 1 hour later

So how did the doctor get on the show? I bet there's plenty of intelligent people apply they'll just get turned down as they don't fit the phenotype they're after.

You could argue who's really the intelligent ones in all of this, as those on the show have found an easy way to make money without much effort, while millions of people who watch the show slug away at the 9-5 life and use shows like this one as escapsim. Anyhow if society was all about worshipping intelligence the world would be a much different place.

Well literally the next guy to come out after the doctor was an electrical design engineer working in the nuclear industry he had an 8 pack though so got like 3 to step forward lol...Oh and he was black.
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I have no idea how to use Twitter tbh where's the bio?

Under her photo :) cat lover as well, can't just have the one stereotype in there.

Well literally the next guy to come out after the doctor was an electrical design engineer working in the nuclear industry he had an 8 pack though so got like 3 to step forward lol...Oh and he was black.

Good looking, half cast dude packing the illustrious BBC, why wouldn't he do well? A quick look at previous lineups for this show and there's nearly always been a guy like this on each series.
If they put someone like Rihanna on the show there wouldn't be such an issue, is this whole show just designed to enrage leftists in their favourite social justice causes?

"wahhh, men are all abusers/gaslighters"

"wahhh, men are all racists for not being attracted to a black woman who's completely average but I can't see it because I've been brainwashed by the same ideology that has changed Miss America to not being about beauty and calling obese people curvy"

p.s. no I don't watch that trash I just Googled her name.
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