Situation at uni.

Raymond Lin said:
Except they have changed the rules BECAUSE people were doing it.


They are probably staggering it to help with their marking, so if everyone switches about they would end up with one week getting hardly any projects in and another week getting most of them, which is not what they want.

Just because everyone else has been doing it doesn't mean you should, its not like you would jump of a cliff because everyone else is...
I agree with everyone else on this. I'm at uni myself right now and if I did what you did, I wouldnt expect any extended time.
I remember your thread about your new timetable. You looked for reassurance that missing lectures was OK since you had already learnt some of the material but you got the opposite instead. Now you're looking for support yet again for your own mistake. Take some responsibility and get down to work. Stop following everyone and get your priorities straight.
They split groups for a reason mate, and if you cant be bothered to go to your assigned one then its your own fault. You could have easily went to the one your were scheduled to go to, but you chose not to because you obviously wanted to be able to chat with your mates.

If you had been at the dentist/hospital or some other important thing i wouldnt argue, but its your fault, and youve paid the price. Maybe now instead of trying to prove yourself right on here, you might want to get some work done as you sound very strapped for time since your whinging on here.
I think it's right that you went to a lab that suited you, if they're all the same then make yourself comfortable.

The problem is you were assigned to the first lab and so you have to obide by the hand in dates of that lab.
sorry, this thread actually made me sign up the forum :D hi everyone.

but basically, as a uni student myself I wouldn't expect any extra time if i switched over groups (assuming the group change was unofficial (so you're still registered for your old group ))

unless i misunderstand, you think you can buy yourself an extra week...

example: go to your original group, but switch groups as well and attempt to get on their deadline...


but yeah, deadlines at uni suck.
Sorry, gotta go with the majority of people here.

Do remeber that the person your giving the report in to has got to set aside time aswell and its all part of their plans that you give it in on a certain date, you both agree a deadline and you stick to it.

You decided that you had the right to pick and choose what class you went to, even when you were given one to go to, then your lecturer or whoever can decide when you give it in.

If I was the lecturer or whoever, I wouldnt extend your deadline.

Im not trying to have a go, but uni deadlines are a pain in the arse, ofcourse they are, but they are part of life, you just gotta bite the bullet im afraid.

If you can swing the extra week, even better, but I think its gonna be hard to convince this dude to give it to you.
I'm at uni myself right now and i actually did what you did but got on with it, you missed out on a week, big freaking deal, chances are you'll write everything in the last week anyway. It's nice to meet new people.
ArmyofHarmony said:
sorry, this thread actually made me sign up the forum :D hi everyone.

but basically, as a uni student myself I wouldn't expect any extra time if i switched over groups (assuming the group change was unofficial (so you're still registered for your old group ))

unless i misunderstand, you think you can buy yourself an extra week...

example: go to your original group, but switch groups as well and attempt to get on their deadline...


but yeah, deadlines at uni suck.

Fresh meat! Welcome to the forums. I now own you by the way, just though i'd get in there before aruffel did. ;)

Back on topic. I agree with what most people have said here. It was your respnsibility to get the work done to the origional deadline. You should have assumed the worst, then if you had longer, just taken it as a bonus. And a lab report really shouldn't take 3 weeks. How many words is it? 2000?-4000? With a bit of planning, that can be done in one night. As for people's dissertations taking 3 weeks... you lucky gits, mine took me 6 months to develop and write up :(
I go with the majority here, it's your fault, your problem, stop being so worked up about it. I get the feeling you also know it's your own fault and were looking for backup on here.

You were asked to go to a class at a certain time. You decided, without telling anyone, to go to another for no reasonable reason at all. Why should the deadline be extended by a week because you couldn't be bothered to go to the first one?
Looks like the forum has spoken m8, you've got some grafting to do (I use grafting loosly as you are at Uni after all :p )
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