Six terrible graphical effects that need to stop

Depth of field is by far the worst.

Annoying as hell.

Tbh I don't mind lens flare, I have bad lens flare in the dark IRL too, though I don't have lens flare when looking at the sun during the day ( eyes just hurt from brightness).
Depending on the strength / how they are used, I don't mind some implementations of depth of field / lens flare. Everything else, though, you can keep.
These effects exist to compensate for the flaws of consoles. Chromatic hides aliasing, motion blur hides bad graphics and depth of field hides bad textures. God knows why they exist on PC though.
Beating the dead horse a bit here but I completely agree with the motion blur and DOF comments. Probably the others too. I end up having to tweak most modern games to find a setting that doesn't give me hideous motion sickness.
Plus I reckon the whole reason the are ever put in there in the first place is so it looks pretty when you're showing your wares at a Con. Never designed to be played like that :)

Still not heard from any lovers of the weird effects yet...
Nice to see it's not just me who hates these effects, the only one that is ok is lens flare and that is extremely situation dependant. Motion blur really is the worst though.
Yeah I usually turn off most of these aswell. I don't even understand why they think adding them is a good thing... its like there trying to make us think that were playing the game through the lens of a camera and not with our own eyes. It puzzles me really especially Chromatic Abberation. I mean How can any developer think red green and blue outlines around an image looks good and does anything more than just strain your eyes.
DOF and motion blur always off for me. They're huge performance hogs too and suck. Chromic is always off when available and id never run with film grain. Lense flare is like if done well.

Dirt and gunk i dont mind if its on a visor, ie my character is wearing a gas mask or some such but there is a fine line between immersive and just can't see.
DoF is OK when used sparingly.
Chromatic abberation is just weird. And stupid.

Motion blur is my biggest hate from that list, but further overshadowed by the worse effect... I don't even know what they call it:

It's the thing mainly in FPSes, where the camera shakes, sways and wobbles around - It's basically the camera stuck on someone's Mo-Cap head as they move around thing, which destroys the beautiful environments and makes my character seem drunk as they lol about just from climbing a ladder - My brain can compensate for the body swaying and moving, so WHY do they include this effect??!!

I'm actually considering ditching Star Citizen for this effect alone...
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