Six terrible graphical effects that need to stop

Most annoying order for me is:

1st. Motion Blur
2nd. Film grain
3rd. Depth of Field

I can live with 2/3 but motion blur is just like putting old sci-fi movies at night, just hides the badly made rubber suits
Dof is OK if it is used in a way that makes sense to how we are looking at a screen. The only game I know that has done it well is alien isolation, where you can focus on either the motion tracker or your surroundings.
Dirt and gunk i dont mind if its on a visor, ie my character is wearing a gas mask or some such but there is a fine line between immersive and just can't see.

Really annoying when your screen is covered in rain too. Unless visored up, leave it out!
Chromatic abberation??!! wtf!? I didnt even know that was a thing lol - probably cos the most recent game I'm playing is ME3. Who on earth could have even imagined that would be cool?

Hey devs, can I have barrel distortion too? How about some flicker and RGB electron gun convergence issues? Oh and scanlines. I want scanlines.
All of these are disabled straight away when I load up a game.

I had wondered for a while if I was the only one though, given that virtually every game I play it seems to rear its ugly head again!
Can't stand lens flares in FPSs. The only game I know to do it right is ARMA 3; that is, removing it entirely when in first person. I think GTA5 also removes lens flares in first person, but suffers from an un-toggleable chromatic aberration (unless you stick post fx to low, but what's the point?).
Depth of Field is my absolute worst offender on that list. Seriously, our eyes do a good enough job without it, I don't need you to tell me where I should be looking on the screen.
Bloom is the thing I hate the most. Just look at any screengrab from Anno 2070. An obnoxious fuzzy mess of nothing but BLOOOM!
I hate hate HATE fxaa. Who thought making it appear as though you're looking through the eyes of a myopic person would be a good idea.
Must admit, these things do annoy me greatly, it's like the over done eye compensation in arma 2, where you'll make a light transition that'll do nothing in the real world, but oh no your facing either a pure black or pure white screen for ten seconds.

Lens flare I can only understand in situations where your meant to be wearing goggles, but theres lens flare and theres massive rays that make it impossible to see

Dof is horrific, on triple screen it basically makes the outer screens useless as you can enjoy just a single mass of blurred colour.

Didnt know what chromatic abberation was, but i'll agree it is horrible, I thought it was just an aa related bug, somewhat like the "halo" you see around characters in ubisoft games (horrifically immersion breaking that one.

I dont mind helmets adding effects in games, but I really hate when theyre made to intentionally blind you.
Dof is OK if it is used in a way that makes sense to how we are looking at a screen. The only game I know that has done it well is alien isolation, where you can focus on either the motion tracker or your surroundings.

I haven't played it but from the description I presume it's like in Metro 1 with the clipboard, where you look down at the clipboard and everything else blurs.

I still hate it, though in Metro 1 the clipboard was out of focus as well laughably(not sure if they ever fixed it, not played it in so long). Not quite sure how it's done but I'm thinking in real life if I decide to lift my watch up and look at it, yes things in the distance will be less in focus but I can keep my watch up and decide to focus in the distance, throwing the watch out of focus despite being in the space where I'm looking.

That is what I hate about DOF, if I'm looking at my watch I'm not focusing on behind it so it's pointless to waste performance blurring it out but if I choose to keep the watch up but look beyond it, in real life my focus changes, in a game the game continues to chose to be focused on the thing in the foreground. That isn't realistic.

All these effects suck and worse still is the time and effort these idiots put into these effects which could be better spent on other things.

Probably 99% of gamers say they turn DOF/motion blur straight off, so why do devs think we want it. The biggest issue I find is that because these are treated as industry standard effects that must be in games then in all those games with crap graphical options these things are enabled by default without an easy way to disable them with Batman being the latest and most awful example.

If it became standard for these effects NOT to be used, then in those games where you don't get the options we will instead find they aren't enabled by default which would be a huge step forward. The industry is forcing rubbish effects that reduce IQ on gamers who don't want it. Rather than make 97% of sensible people turn it off, let the 3% of idiots turn them back on.
All of these are disabled straight away when I load up a game.

I had wondered for a while if I was the only one though, given that virtually every game I play it seems to rear its ugly head again!

^^^This! :D

I disable all of the stupid film effects, as am playing a game not watching a film.
Motion blur has to be the most backward thing ever implemented in gaming.:rolleyes:
I hate hate HATE fxaa. Who thought making it appear as though you're looking through the eyes of a myopic person would be a good idea.

That I completely disagree with.

FXAA is the best thing that happened to games in recent years, for games that don't support MSAA/CSAA/TXAA and where your gpu isn't comfortable with supersampling, I hate jaggies, they make me want to stab my eyes out.

I always use at least 4x MSAA and FXAA when possible.

I mean come on:

How can you find the non FXAA version better :confused: ?

Chromatic aberration, I can't say I took notice of that effect, but much rather have Chromatic aberration than jaggered edges, which seems to help masking them.
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