Sixaxis - is it just me?

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1 Apr 2003
... that thinks this is the worst control pad ever? :confused:
I'm loving the PS3 but cant play for more than half hour or so as this awful pad is making my hands physically hurt/ache. I think its the 'triggers' (R2/L2) causing the bulk of the problem.... I was never a big fan of the PS2 dual-shock either, but it was nowhere near as bad as this piece of junk. It just really isnt very well thought out IMO and its also really crap build quality, cheap plastic with fairly sharp edges, it weighs absolutely nothing which doesnt help with the cheap feeling either.

I'm seriously considering a little electronics project of fitting PS3 controller innards to a 360 controller shell, should be fairly doable.

Anyone else feel the same or is it just me?!
I'd have to agree with you for the most part, why not try looking into some 3rd party controllers before you open up the sony controller?
same as ^

never been a fan of the psx pads. Do prefer the 360 pad.

But i dont have any discomfort when using it though.

The lass prefers it to the 360 pad as its not as heavy lol.

I prefer summat that costs as much as it does to feel heavy, makes you think your getting more for ya money if that makes sense lol
I quite like the controllers, i find it very comfortable for driving games for acceleration and braking, judging by my lap times compared to other ocuk racers in qualifying sessions, they are not getting on with it as much as me :)
InwardSinging said:
I quite like the controllers, i find it very comfortable for driving games for acceleration and braking, judging by my lap times compared to other ocuk racers in qualifying sessions, they are not getting on with it as much as me :)

I used to have a PS2 and found the controller....useable (made my hands hurt though), and the Xbox one ok.

The 360 controller however just feels awesome, it's perfect, main reason I don't like the PS2/3 one is where the sticks are positioned.

The 360 is great, because my main left stick is in the natural position of the thumb and my other thumb uses all the action buttons (X,Y,B,A) and is in the same position.

The PS2/3 I have to move my thumb down to the stick putting strain on my thumb and although my right thumb stays with, square, X, triangle, circle naturally, I find the position weird as my left thumb is in a different place.

My 2p.
Thanks for the views, its interesting to see that its not just myself :)

Cannaton said:
why not try looking into some 3rd party controllers before you open up the sony controller?
Thanks for the advice, I didn't think there would be any out just yet but I'll have a look as it may be a viable option. I'm hoping some manufacturing company takes my idea and makes a 360 pad for the PS3, lol.

roboffer said:
On a semi related topic, how are people finding the tilting features?
I've only used it on motorstorm, and I found it pretty useless to be honest! May be of more use in other games though, I can't see myself ever using it for a driving game again (maybe something starfox/lylat wars-esque would work well?)
L33 said:
I've only used it on motorstorm, and I found it pretty useless to be honest! May be of more use in other games though, I can't see myself ever using it for a driving game again (maybe something starfox/lylat wars-esque would work well?)
Im sure at some point Ill get a go on a PS3 and find out first hand, but the controller is one place that they've let the console down to me. There hasnt been that much progression in terms of design, and the tilting seems more of an after thought than anything else. Hope they do reintroduce the rumble feature, as I cant help but think Motorstorm is the type of game the rumble feature was born for.
Phate said:
Yes. Couldn't agree more with what you've said there. The pad is simply not very natural to hold.
I would have thought they'd update the design, the pad is still the exact same design as the PS1 pad when the analogue sticks 'tacked on' as an afterthought in reply to the N64s analogue control.

roboffer said:
Hope they do reintroduce the rumble feature, as I cant help but think Motorstorm is the type of game the rumble feature was born for.
Absolutely. I missed rumble straight away. When playing on another console I don't even think about rumble, its sort of an expected feature now - but when it was missing it was instantly noticable and it does (in my opinion) take away some of the immersion.
After playign on one over the weekend the PS3 pad is now my main reason for not buying one, it was the price but after the hand cramps i got aftwer 5-10mins that was the thing on my mind.

So unless they radically change it I just cant see myself getting one, surely someone will come up with an little dongle to allow you to use the 360 pads, they are the best I have ever used by quite some way
I beg to differ - I love the pad - the PS2 pad is the best pad I've ever used, it fits perfectly in my hands and I can reach every button with ease although some people thing my hands look demented when I'm playing.

I don't miss rumble, I honestly don't see that it brings a lot to games but I'm mainly a PC gamer so I'm used to not having my controls vibrate all the time.
I also like the lightness - electronics don't need to feel heavy to be good.

I like the tilt thing in flOw but it just seemed useless in motorstorm, but that might be from lack of practice.

I do have one annoyance with the PS3 pad however, and that's the fact that I have to turn it off before watching DVDs or videos because whenever I put the thing down it fastfowards or rewinds because the triggers are much more sensitive than on dualshock2. I'm glad I got my bluray remote now.
i thought id miss the rumble, but dont really. either its there or it isnt, doesnt bother me. ths ps2 pads are that bad, they only gripe i really have are those triggers. not natural at all. Other than that they are ok, but they're no 360 pad.
roboffer said:
On a semi related topic, how are people finding the tilting features?

Works well in RfoM. :)

I dont have a problem with the pad, it fits well into my palm and hands.
ElRazur said:
Works well in RfoM. :)

I dont have a problem with the pad, it fits well into my palm and hands.

When do you use it in R:FoM? I've only used it to shake the skinny looking things off me when being grabbed.

Anyway, I got really used to the Dual Shock 2 controllers so the Sixaxis just felt normal.

When playing RFOM, so far only reason I needed to tilt was to shake off zombies who hardly ever catch me.

Motorstorm, tilt for driving, really hard at first but now I'm pretty good. Still prefer normal though.

COD3, used loads. But driving you almost have to turn the controller upside down to steer slighty to the left or right.
in RFOM you use it too put yourself out when on fire and to loose tags or zombie things

i cant say much bad about the ps3 controller tbh apart form no rumble.

ive always loved the PS pads and really cant get used to the 360 ones

i dont get why being light is a bad thing either ?im sure they could have stuck weights in if they felt thats what people wanted :p
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G-MAN2004 said:
When do you use it in R:FoM? I've only used it to shake the skinny looking things off me when being grabbed.

Anyway, I got really used to the Dual Shock 2 controllers so the Sixaxis just felt normal.

When on fire too.
When playing motorstorm it hurts my hands quite quickly, but thats because I am trying to keep hold of the pad with the base of your thumb whilst also using the thumb to press buttons. It's R2's fault!
VBDub said:
When playing motorstorm it hurts my hands quite quickly, but thats because I am trying to keep hold of the pad with the base of your thumb whilst also using the thumb to press buttons. It's R2's fault!

Spot on! Holding down R2 to accelerate whilst trying to keep a grip on the pad hurts my palms, the controller digs in. I'm going to change the button config and have another go tonight to see if it is easier to use the X to accelerate.
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