
Wish I had £600 for petrol and food... I have to manage on half this every month, and it's getting less and less.

I'm putting in for overtime now, to help pay bills. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine, and better then some, but £600 a month is a lot.. I know those who try and live on £750 a month take home from Tesco..!! And boy, does she complain about it.. LOL
First of all, Im not looking for sympathy at all. I would ask you to save that for 3rd world starving children.

Secondly, I dont earn 3k a month. I wish I did. Im not going to disclose how much I earn.

Thirdly im not supporting a family.

Fourthly, I enjoy my caviar and champagne to much :p

I have had to clear out the savings I had for the £900 deposit. I cook my own food. I very rarely drink. Dont smoke. Go out on saturday nights and that is all.

What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.
panthro said:
First of all, Im not looking for sympathy at all. I would ask you to save that for 3rd world starving children.

Secondly, I dont earn 3k a month. I wish I did. Im not going to disclose how much I earn.

Thirdly im not supporting a family.

Fourthly, I enjoy my caviar and champagne to much :p

I have had to clear out the savings I had for the £900 deposit. I cook my own food. I very rarely drink. Dont smoke. Go out on saturday nights and that is all.

What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.

ok, i'll let you off then.

another vote for tesco value beans.
panthro said:
What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.

Very wise :)
Davey_Pitch said:
Aye, I agree with the others, £600 is nowhere near skint. After all my bills, rent etc each month, I'm left with about £200-250 to play with. £100 of that goes on petrol each month, so I'm effectively left with about £150, of which I have to save as much as I can towards my spending money for my summer holiday.

And I still consider myself to be fairly well off as I know there are people far worse off than that.

Well said mate. I have enough to cover my bills, food, rent etc and have about 250 to myself every month. That doesn't need to go on anything.
To some it's not much, to me it's more than enough ;)
er skint you have TWICE as much as i get to live of for 3 months, just for one month! and you think your SKINT. I reckon you need to send me all the money to look after that will mean you cant spend any.
panthro said:
you will probably think I am being a snob or something, but I have just put £900 deposit on a new car, paid a £900 credit card bill and paid £630 insurance, along with all the other bills and payment, im left with £600 to live on for the whole month. I havent been this skint for ages. Anyone got any good money saving tips for me please! :)

HAHA, mate your not even close to being skint, try being 1k overdrawn!
I suggest you buy Cava instead of Champagne.
I suggest you buy farmed sturgeon roe instead of wild.
I suggest you get sucked in to MMORG for the month.

It may be a bit late, but shouldn't you be saving for a deposit prior to getting a new car?
well open up a 2nd bank account, transfer 300 a month into that and give yourself 50 quid a week pocket money. That will leave 100 spare for emergencies.

Easy peasy.
fatiain said:
£600 is skint? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breathe* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I could do with £600
I've got £500 to live off until I get some work, and thats not counting my £1600 creditcard bill
£600 is the same as my student loan for the entire year, never mind a month.

You could, if you really want too, easily survive on £100 and save the rest, although this however would severely limit your social life for the month :)
I think the best way to save money is to not spend it. Only buy things you need, not things you want. If you dont NEED it to get by dont buy it.

Personally, I have a problem of wanting new things all the time. The thing I do to save money is to carry the item around the store with me and just think about whether or not I need it. More often than not I find that I already have something that will do the job but just isnt as nice.

So simply put:
walk when you can walk, only drive when you need to
Only buy things you NEED not things you want.
Before buying something, instead of thinking of reason why you think you need it, think of reason why you dont need it.
Due to work problems (me on sick), and my partner on maternity (unpaid from end of dec) we are currently supporting;

2 little boys

On £120 a week so less than £500 a month and i haven't touched any savings yet

So forgive when when i laugh IN YOUR FACE HAHAHA
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