aye I dont make that much eitherTheMagicPirate said:I dont even MAKE £600 a month!
panthro said:First of all, Im not looking for sympathy at all. I would ask you to save that for 3rd world starving children.
Secondly, I dont earn 3k a month. I wish I did. Im not going to disclose how much I earn.
Thirdly im not supporting a family.
Fourthly, I enjoy my caviar and champagne to much
I have had to clear out the savings I had for the £900 deposit. I cook my own food. I very rarely drink. Dont smoke. Go out on saturday nights and that is all.
What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.
panthro said:What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.
Davey_Pitch said:Aye, I agree with the others, £600 is nowhere near skint. After all my bills, rent etc each month, I'm left with about £200-250 to play with. £100 of that goes on petrol each month, so I'm effectively left with about £150, of which I have to save as much as I can towards my spending money for my summer holiday.
And I still consider myself to be fairly well off as I know there are people far worse off than that.
panthro said:you will probably think I am being a snob or something, but I have just put £900 deposit on a new car, paid a £900 credit card bill and paid £630 insurance, along with all the other bills and payment, im left with £600 to live on for the whole month. I havent been this skint for ages. Anyone got any good money saving tips for me please!
fatiain said:£600 is skint? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breathe* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
fatiain said:£600 is skint? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breathe* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha