SKY broadband (PPPoA) - Drops connection every night - Why?

13 Apr 2017
Hi All,
I subscribe to SKY broadband, ADSL (copper phone line).
I upgraded my sagem F@ast 2304N to a TP-Link Archer VR2800 two weeks ago.
The broadband connection is dropped at some point in the small hours every night and in the morning I have to reboot the router by switching the power off and leaving it 20 seconds and then powering back on.
Why does the connection drop? This is the same behavior as my sagem F@ast 2304N except now its daily rather than every 3-7 days.
I set the Archer VR2800 router using the quick start option and selecting SKY broadband.
It's configured for PPPoA.
I was able to work out my user name (LANmacAddress@skydls) & used one of those 'calculators' to generate the password.
These details work.
I have taken a backup of the sagem F@ast 2304N config file.
Now that I look at it, the username is the same but the password does not match the one the 'calculator' generated.
I have tried the password from the sagem F@ast 2304N back up file on the Archer VR2800 but it never connects with it. So I assume the details I am currently using are correct.
So, what could be causing a nightly disconnect? How can I resolve this?
I have unplugged my phones as I don't use the landline for phones anyway.
I have a micro filter attached to both of the phone sockets.
I have disconnected my Sky TV box from the telephone connection. (note the SKY TV box is only used for terrestrial, no tv package).
I am going to set up remote logging but not sure if it will capture the issue.
My line SNR seems good,
Line Status: Connected
DSL Up Time: 0 days 0 hours 41 minutes
DSL Modulation Type: ADSL_2plus
Annex Type: Annex A/L
[Upstream] [Downstream]
Current Rate (kbps) [1200] [17831]
Max Rate (kbps) [1122] [18495]
SNR Margin (dB) [9.3] [6.1]
Line Attenuation (dB) [13.4] [20.5]
Errors (pkts) [0] [0]
Sky Broadband Boost perhaps, although they are supposed to have suspended it during the pandemic.

It's meant to check the speed of your line every night after midnight. The test could be making your hardware go on the blink, I've had a few minor outages because of it but not recently.

Hi Mysterae, its possible but the issues has been magnified since changing the old sagem to the TP-link in the last two weeks.
I had wondered if it was a user name and password check each night but that does not make much sense since it accepts the user name and password for the connection.
Note: I am not cloning the MAC address of the old sagem either but i dont think this is required since i can get a stable connection all day.
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