Sky Friends and Family deal thread! Now with, er NOW deals!

Oops I posted in the other thread but I'll repeat in here. Any offers going on a basic Sky TV package for a new customer? Phone or broadband not required.

I currently pay for Netflix and someone told me that comes free with Sky? Little saving there but it's cancelled out by the fact I'd now need to pay for a TV License. Hence interested to know the best deals out there.
Oops I posted in the other thread but I'll repeat in here. Any offers going on a basic Sky TV package for a new customer? Phone or broadband not required.

I currently pay for Netflix and someone told me that comes free with Sky? Little saving there but it's cancelled out by the fact I'd now need to pay for a TV License. Hence interested to know the best deals out there.

If you can live without sky (which you have done) I would personally. You seriously aren't missing much. Factor in tv license (£13pm) plus basic sky TV only (netflix isn't included in the basic package) your looking at around £30pm for sky with netflix easily. In your position I'd just get a freesat 4k box or something if you would like to record, or even easier if your tv has freeview built in. Of course technically you would still need a license, but...
If you can live without sky (which you have done) I would personally. You seriously aren't missing much. Factor in tv license (£13pm) plus basic sky TV only (netflix isn't included in the basic package) your looking at around £30pm for sky with netflix easily. In your position I'd just get a freesat 4k box or something if you would like to record, or even easier if your tv has freeview built in. Of course technically you would still need a license, but...

Can you recommend any particular box which includes all the Freeview channels and has a good use interface?

I'm in no rush, infact I'm still waiting for a Sky discount code but if I can get a basic Sky TV package with Netflix for ~£20 a month (currently on offer for £26) then I'd get it.
if I try to send you a trust I get: Username not found, if they are a user on the forums they need to first login to trust using their forum username and password to create a trust account.
Yup - you won’t have trust access until you have MM access.
You can use the conversation function on here though
@MissChief I'm not sure whether trust e-mails are working as I've tried messaging you a couple of times but not heard back. I'm after a code for TV & Broadband if you have any available at the moment? :)
@MissChief Looking to switch to Sky for TV and Broadband, new customer. Please would I be able to have a code if you have one available.

Also, where do I input the code? Not signed up for something in yonks as been with VM for 15 years nearly.
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