Sky sports free weekend

17 Jul 2010
Sky sports is free this weekend from 6am on Friday until midnight on Sunday. This includes all the sports channels and the F1 channel! Happens automatically.
They do it periodically for all their premium channels, nothing to do with F1, but if they get more subs then win-win.

Oh come on, F1 is their main event this weekend even their site bills it as the main attraction to the free weekend, but I guess they are targeting horse racing fans right enough. It's designed to get them more subscriptions.

Off course the free weekend is a weekend that BBC has no live F1, strange that one yeah :D
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Well yes, obviously it's designed to get them more subs, across the board. If you hadn't noticed, there's a new football season about to start too, plus the first Test Match is on over the weekend. It's a good time to be doing it (yes, as well as it being a non-BBC live GP).

You're original post made it sound like a desperate attempt to purely get more F1 viewers, which it isn't.

They've been doing this sort of thing for ages, for both sport and movies.
When was the last free weekend for sports and movies?

They are targeting the F1 audience with this free weekend clearly. F1 is their main attraction over the free weekend. And I imagine they are desperate to sell their package to more F1 fans.
Ugh, whatever. Head and brick wall...

No idea when the last free weekend was, Google it yourself maybe?

If they were that desperate they would be ramming it down the throats of people watching Sky Sports News (which doesn't require the Sports/F1 pack). Guess what, I've been watching it all afternoon and they haven't once mentioned a free weekend. Yeah, they sound desperate to me. They even just had a feature on Vettel's hometown with the Sky broadcast details for this coming weekend, did they mention everyone could watch it for free (if they already have a sky sub and equipment)? No.

Yes it's good timing with it being an exclusive live race, but it's also one month to the new EPL season and I guarantee they will care more about new subscribers for that, or getting the people back who cancelled it at the end of last season.

They would almost certainly have done this on the same weekend even if the BBC had it live.
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So they do it all the time but you can't remember when? me either and I have had Sky for a while.....not sure why you think promoting it on Sky Sports news is a sign of anything, you have to pay to get that channel? so it's a limited audience.

This free weekend is targeting in main the F1 audience no idea why you think not, they will no doubt have special sport package promotions in time for EPL football, just as they do every year (ESPN free for 6 months etc with Sports), this weekend is not aimed at that audience is it?

If you don't think this weekend being free is about F1 then fine let's just leave it at that. But ask yourself why Sky are promoting the free weekend with F1 as top billing of what you can see...
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