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intel themselves have said that this (skylake) is there fastest and most advanced processor chip yet... are you going to argue that with them? id rather take there word for it than yours lol
your completely just trying to defend your x99 mobos instead of looking at the facts, the 5820k is the one with no place on the market simply because the normal pc guy wont be using them 2 extra cores... and the 6600k yields better performance on the gaming front and core v core is Superior than the 5820k.... also the 6600k is cheaper than the older 5820k
your completely just trying to defend your x99 mobos instead of looking at the facts, the 5820k is the one with no place on the market simply because the normal pc guy wont be using them 2 extra cores... and the 6600k yields better performance on the gaming front and core v core is Superior than the 5820k.... also the 6600k is cheaper than the older 5820k
This thread is embarrassing. Guy pretended to want advice no doubt hoping for an echo chamber to reinforce his decision and instead got some conflicting advice in regards to his own viewpoint and is now going after everyone who doesn't agree.If you don't agree that Skylake is TEH ULTIMATE 4 GAMERZ then you're an x99 owner wallowing in regret about your purchase. LOL
I'm 4790K here so I've no horse in the race, still it's clear what I'd buy today if I was after a new CPU and it certainly isn't Skylake.
Dude enjoy your purchase by all means but don't humiliate yourself by attacking everyone else because they don't tell you what you want to hear.
As someone who recently moved from a 4790k @4.7ghz to a currently at stock 5820k. In multithreaded situations the 5820k spanks all over the haswell chip. Not done much gaming yet but from the little I have I'm not seeing a difference. For most of my gaming it will be a cooler running sidegrade. Haswell E being a soldered chip wont suffer from the heat issues that standard haswell has.
For single GPU users more lanes is pointless. Even for SLI users (which are low numbers) there's not much difference 8x8
btw do you even understand the concept of trolling hedge? im clearly on here because im building a new computer... some of the responses i have had on here could be deemed as trolling.
can i just say that some of your responses on here led me to do extensive research on processor v processor? and i have held myself in a very mature manner hedge... im not telling fellow users to "get a grip" i am simply putting my point across in a reasonable manner and you should appreciate that i do to have an opinion hedge.