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skylake processor, which one???

gigabyte gtx 980 with possibility of going sli in future do??

nope you will run out of vram and get huge frame drops.

lets put it this way, World of warships is currently using 4.6GB Vram atm.

i went from 980 to 290X 8GB's crossfire as I had to play medium settings with the 980 on certain games.

your best bet is 390 8GB and crossfire when you can afford it.
the 390 is a better price as well, im going to do just that passey, the 8gb on the 390 sounds awesome to me!

there are a couple of games at 1080p as well that can use more than 4gb vram.

shadow of mordor

just to name 2. So the extra vram of the 390 will really help and 2X 390's "should" be more powerful than a 980ti as long as crossfire profiles are working.
"skylake processors... which one" so i was prompted with replies on how i should have got a x99/5820k setup which then led me to do my own research on both processors so i give my own opinion back on the matter, is that so bad that someone has a differing opinion?
The problem is that you've come here and asked for advice with no mention that you've already made a purchase (if so, why are you asking for advice?), only to then argue with people when it transpires that your choice can't be justified. You then start accusing others of doing exactly what you're doing yourself (regretting the purchase) and making bogus claims that you've read benchmarks that show Skylake to be vastly superior to Haswell-E (it isn't). And you're acting like a 13 year old whilst doing so.

You're arguing with facts here. Nobody has a personal interest any of these matters, as shouldn't you. They buy whatever is the best value. Skylake isn't. People are merely trying to help you get the most for your money here.

My genuine advice? If you want your system up and running ASAP and have already hit the limits of your budget, stick with what you've purchased. If you have the money and can see a benefit for your usage, go X99. If you can get a similar deal for Haswell (free RAM or whatever else to reduce the price significantly) and can return everything at a low cost, send your Skylake bits back and go for a Z97 Haswell i5 system.

Keep in mind the hierarchy here. Haswell-E is still the enthusiast part, Skylake is consumer. The higher-end parts that make up the majority of Intel's lineup (-E parts reach all the way into the server market remember) are all released later - think of Skylake as being early release and it gives you a little perspective.

As for 4K gaming, we aren't at the stage where we can play games at higher settings at 4K and deliver consistent frame rates on a single card. The "perfect 4K gaming card" claims are marketing, nothing more.

I can run BF4 at high/ultra settings at 125% resolution scale at 3440x1440 and maintain a constant 100FPS everywhere (SLI 980Ti at stock right now). 4K will get you the same old 16:9 experience that you'd get at 1440p, only with significantly lower frame rates. That and the issue with scaling (only OS X gets that consistently right even today, it's just not worth it).

If you haven't already got one, put more money into the monitor (21:9 being the prime candidate) and you'll be happier in the long run.
ti is out of my price range steve, would a gigabyte g1 980 do the job??

So you want a gaming pc Yeah?

You're sending 6600k back...
You're spending lots of money on a 6700k...
You can't afford 980ti...
You want pure gaming...
You spend your money on 6700k and 980
You don't spend your money on 6600k and 980ti for same outlay.
You're deluded.

Go find me some benchmarks to prove your plan is solid.
hedge im guessing ur a very sad lonely old man? why dont u go check the price differences between the 2 at the moment, i can get an i7 6700k for £300, the 6600k at its cheapest is around £220, however a 980 ti is £500 and over thats a big price jump, and considering i only have a 1080p panel i would be spending way more than i need to on a gpu, again i really do worry for your pc knowledge hedge.
I wouldn't be questioning anybody's knowledge if I were you.

£80 for no perceivable increase vs £110 for a 30% increase when jumping to a 980Ti. Take your pick.

Quite honestly though, at that resolution and a focus on gaming exclusively, I'd be looking at a 980 and a Haswell i5 only. Depends on the motherboard/RAM deal you managed to get.
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hedge im guessing ur a very sad lonely old man? why dont u go check the price differences between the 2 at the moment, i can get an i7 6700k for £300, the 6600k at its cheapest is around £220, however a 980 ti is £500 and over thats a big price jump, and considering i only have a 1080p panel i would be spending way more than i need to on a gpu, again i really do worry for your pc knowledge hedge.

Yeah I am sad and lonely.

You can pick up a 980 Ti for around £480 and it would be considerably more noticeable than your little cpu upgrade. You're baiting me quite well because I'm finding myself biting at all your rubbish posts here.

If you think changing a 6600k to a 6700k and scrimping on your GPU is gonna be a good choice for your gaming orientated pc then carry on. If you aren't a troll then your posting style is impressive.

I wouldn't go worrying about my pc knowledge. I learned everything I know from CNET and a high street pc retailer.

It's interesting that you made it so clear you were all about gaming when people were talking about x99 builds and here you are now buying the most expensive skylake cpu which you say is the future of processing, then you pair it with a gpu from about 2 years ago and a psu from corsair because you it's left you broke. I wish I had your pc knowledge pal.
hedge im bewildered as to why you cant construct you opinions in a well mannered fashion though, its getting rather tedious!

You're taking this round in circles man.

You started your early posts here by shunning people's input because it didn't agree with some crap you had read elsewhere on the Internet. As things go on you post little questions about gpus. This time however you are suddenly open to people's input.

You make a thread asking about the difference between a 390 and 390x, your Google skills that made you the new ocuk cpu expert mustn't stretch into the GPU market.

If you want to question my posting style go ahead. But let's be honest.. Your mindless crap posts have drawn more criticism than mine so maybe you should step away from your computer, crawl out from under your bridge and go for a long walk....
i shun peoples input for a reason hedge, "skylake which one"... iv been told to send all my stuff back and get a x99/5820k... i know enough myself that skylake is the way to go as far as "gaming" is concerned, so i dont appreciate what i think is bad advice, i dont have to name call in the process, i construct my opinions in a reasoned fashion.
i shun peoples input for a reason hedge, "skylake which one"... iv been told to send all my stuff back and get a x99/5820k... i know enough myself that skylake is the way to go as far as "gaming" is concerned, so i dont appreciate what i think is bad advice, i dont have to name call in the process, i construct my opinions in a reasoned fashion.

Can you Explain why you think 6700k and 980 is better than 6600k and 980ti "as far as gaming is concerned". Give me some speculated cost and performance figures because I'm sad and lonely and have no pc knowledge. Cheers buddy.
Man this thread is brilliant, my opinion probably doesn't count because I have an inferior 5820k, but in all seriousness if I was budget constrained and building a gaming machine, it would have to be a 6600k with a 980ti over a 6700k and a regular 980...
...and a i5 is OK and 8GB DRAM is OK too - I've run that on Ivybridge and two GPU generations.

But looking forward 'OK' isn't enough is it - and a Z170 and i7 and 16GB is what I think is the minimum needed for the next few years and whatever Nvidia brings us next year and thereafter.
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