Sleep Paralysis

I used to suffer quite often from them, but I was having huge sleep issues at the time too (shift working :/)

Don't have them very often now, but wow they suck.
I still get them but very rarely as I get older.

most of them aren't real just like concious dreams, but a few are, it feels like minutes but It's probably just seconds.

a partner asked why I was wiggling and toes and fingers one morning over a year ago, but it's all I can move when it happens, I don't know if it helps but I assume it gets your blood flowing a bit faster.

probably 70% + of the time you will notice something is different in your room just a tiny detail like a gap in the curtains or whatever and realise it was just some weird awakening dream
I suffered this multiple times a week in my teens/early 20's. What I can't figure is why the imagery and sounds associated were always of evil and dead people. Faces floating right towards you, shadows, noises and footsteps where you couldn't see etc. Why did the brain create that specific material?
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