Sleepwalking incidents

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16 Jul 2004
Pheebs enlightened me to her last night "nocturnal exploits" earlier this morning, and I thought I'd share some of my experiences with this chronic sufferer of night time sleeping antics.
For example, I've had numerous midnight discussions, and on more than one occasion, I've have to escort her to the front door to prove its locked, or elsewhere in the flat to prove everythings as it should be. (Incidently, the only way to bring her back to normality is to ring her phone - shouting or anything wont work!)

Anyway, last september I was 21, and I had a few mates down from uni for a BBQ and general garden nosh up.
After my local mates had all dispersed, those that couldnt get home were settling down in the lounge (at this point I was passed out on my bed). A few mins after Pheebs dropping off, she pulled herself out of bed (thankfully in some clothes!), and wandered into the lounge where people were themselves dropping off to sleep.
Amid chants of "Its death day - quick we must protect ourselves" she gathered up empty, and full bottles/cans from around the house, and started arranging them on the floor around my now bewildered friends.
They didnt know what was going on, and I cant say I blame them! Imagine your just dropping off to sleep and a girl in her PJs wonders in muttering incantations and lining up cans in elaborate patterns. Fortuntly her protective circles worked. No-one was harmed or caught by the impeding "death day" and we could all laugh about it the next morning - as we listened to a mobile phone recording of her going about her business.

So what experiences have you guys had?
I really wanted to tell someone about last night - but thats up to pheebs to decide!
Pickers said:
Pheebs enlightened me to her last night "nocturnal exploits" earlier this morning, and I thought I'd share some of my experiences with this chronic sufferer of night time sleeping antics.
For example, I've had numerous midnight discussions, and on more than one occasion, I've have to escort her to the front door to prove its locked, or elsewhere in the flat to prove everythings as it should be. (Incidently, the only way to bring her back to normality is to ring her phone - shouting or anything wont work!)

Anyway, last september I was 21, and I had a few mates down from uni for a BBQ and general garden nosh up.
After my local mates had all dispersed, those that couldnt get home were settling down in the lounge (at this point I was passed out on my bed). A few mins after Pheebs dropping off, she pulled herself out of bed (thankfully in some clothes!), and wandered into the lounge where people were themselves dropping off to sleep.
Amid chants of "Its death day - quick we must protect ourselves" she gathered up empty, and full bottles/cans from around the house, and started arranging them on the floor around my now bewildered friends.
They didnt know what was going on, and I cant say I blame them! Imagine your just dropping off to sleep and a girl in her PJs wonders in muttering incantations and lining up cans in elaborate patterns. Fortuntly her protective circles worked. No-one was harmed or caught by the impeding "death day" and we could all laugh about it the next morning - as we listened to a mobile phone recording of her going about her business.

So what experiences have you guys had?
I really wanted to tell someone about last night - but thats up to pheebs to decide!

Lol. I am glad idon't sleep walk. But i do talk in my sleep i think. apparently...
I've peed in:

1)My mum's bin in my parents room

and 2) The under the stairs cupboard
While asleep. Thankfully as I got older I stopped peeing in things in my sleep, now I just mutter/laugh/shout/etc.
LOL about peeing whilst sleepwalking! My bro pee'd in the airing cupboard once when sleep walking - very funny! I tried to stop him but he just turned around and kept peeing in the hallway!

Hmmm yes I do suffer a fair bit with sleepwalkies!! Only when Im hot/ill/drunk though! I dont think its serious enough to take it to a docs! Though I dont like being left at home alone cos no one can make sure Im not wandering round hiding things in my sleep! :)

Ive got a feeling it may run in the family - my bro did it a fair bit when he was younger, though has now grown out of it. Maybe I will :D Does anyone else who sleepwalks have family that sleepwalk too?

Entirely up to you whether you wanna say what happened - Im only glad the folks asked me to make the sandwiches for lunch :p
Hardly sleepwalking, but I was dreaming I was at a party and I was taking photos. The next day when I plug my camera into the computer I find about 20 photos of a back screen! LOL sleep-photography!
I was staying at one of my friends' uni houses - we'd all had a bit to drink and had been playing poker, and one by one we were dropping off to sleep in the lounge. Me, my friend and a couple of other guys and girls were the only ones left awake when one of the guys gets up from the floor, opens his fly and lets rip all over the guy who's passed out, blind drunk on the sofa. He then calmly walks back over to where he was sleeping and lies down! It was quite a mess - and a smell - in the morning :/
My old uni house mate once thought he was in a war film or something, heard him through the door shouting instructions to soldiers to attack and flank some position.
Raymond Lin said:
My old uni house mate once thought he was in a war film or something, heard him through the door shouting instructions to soldiers to attack and flank some position.

maybe he was playing CS with teamspeak on? :D
I seem to remember one of my friends telling me that they knew someone that opened their bedroom window in their sleep, stepped outside and fell through the conservatory/greenhouse roof. They were found the next day, unharmed, sleeping in a tomato bush. :cool:
FrontSideBus said:
maybe he was playing CS with teamspeak on? :D

While running around in his room (we can heard lots of furniture moving and thumping)!He also gave his gf a blackeye one night when he elbowed her in the face ! :eek:
One of my friends once sleepwalked to the shower, had a shower (and forgot to turn it off)
Woke up the next day very wet, wondering why the shower was on :)
Some woman in Altrincham, Chesire, was woken at 2am by a noise coming from her garden, she went to investigate, and found her sleepwalking husband mowing the lawn in the nude.
Raymond Lin said:
My old uni house mate once thought he was in a war film or something, heard him through the door shouting instructions to soldiers to attack and flank some position.

Hahahahaha!! Ooooh I wouldve liked to have been there! :D

One time my ma heard me running around on the landing upstairs and heard me making stupid noises. She decided to check if I was ok and came out onto the landing where, apparently, I was stood there grinning my head off, at the top of the stairs with my hands on my hips. She asked if I was ok and I went "der der DEEEEER" (according to my brother it sounded like when you activate flying sheep in Worms and fly around the screen) and then threw myself down the stairs!

My ma stood in shock at the top of the stairs and I just got up at the bottom, posed again grinning and went "der der DEEEEEER", running off down the hall!

I mustve been having fun in my sleep! Tell you what though - I didnt half ache in the morning! :rolleyes:
hottiger said:
My cousin used to sleepwalk thinking he was a bee. He'd flap his arms and run round in circles in his room, so I heard! :)


Ooooooh my!! Well trained husband if you asked me!
pheebs said:
Hahahahaha!! Ooooh I wouldve liked to have been there! :D

One time my ma heard me running around on the landing upstairs and heard me making stupid noises. She decided to check if I was ok and came out onto the landing where, apparently, I was stood there grinning my head off, at the top of the stairs with my hands on my hips. She asked if I was ok and I went "der der DEEEEER" (according to my brother it sounded like when you activate flying sheep in Worms and fly around the screen) and then threw myself down the stairs!

My ma stood in shock at the top of the stairs and I just got up at the bottom, posed again grinning and went "der der DEEEEEER", running off down the hall!

I mustve been having fun in my sleep! Tell you what though - I didnt half ache in the morning! :rolleyes:


*Adventures Of pheebs*

adverage person by day but as soon as the sun goes down. der der DEEEEEEERRR its super pheebs. can leep stairs in a single bound.

did sound like you had a load of fun. :D
I've ran into my parents bedroom in the middle of the night thinking there was a snake or spider descending from the ceiling. I clashed the bedroom door when I was on my way out and it must have scared the life out of my mother - "what the hell was that".
I've even hidden the darts from my brothers dartboard just incase I should turn violent :D.
I regulary have full conversations in my sleep with whoever may be in the room. I have been downstairs and put the laundry on. First night of uni i trashed my room (somehow!).

The funniest two sleep talking times have to be:

1) First night in Canada (25 hours of no sleep before hand didnt help!) Screaming in a youth hostel dorm NO NO PLEASE GOD NO, then jumping off my bed onto two other peoples beds and trying to get out the dorm then trying to get out the window but waking up as soon as the fresh air hit me. (The guy on the opposite bunk was wetting himself with laughter at the time apparntly lol).

2)Again in Canada in the first night at a campsite in Jasper. Screaming HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON. My good friend then tempted to scream PENETRATION!!! (The looks from the next door tent were bad enough in the morning without him saying it anyway!).

Oh yes im an active person while im asleep. I pity the next person i have to share a room with.

*Adventures Of pheebs*

adverage person by day but as soon as the sun goes down. der der DEEEEEEERRR its super pheebs. can leep stairs in a single bound.

did sound like you had a load of fun. :D

Yeh my night life is a bit like that :p Poor pickers though has to put up with me scaring him half to death a lot of the time when I end up crying out "theyre coming to get us, Im so sorry, I shouldnt have done it!"

Though hes had his fun with me - hes told me to kiss him when I was babbling in my sleep and apparently I pouted my lips but in the wrong direction! I hope hes not told me to do anything else!! :eek:

Hehe with the whole darts thing! My bro locked himself in the room once when I was sleepwalking cos he heard me going through the cuterly drawer and I sounded really angry! In the morning though, they found all our spoons were led in a circle on the table!

Hmmm actually thinking about it Im always making shapes with objects when sleep walking... perhaps Im the cause of a few crop circles around here! :p
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