Sleepwalking incidents

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The worst ive done was as followed, I was at home when i was around 15-16 (so no drink involved) where my home is too warm for me and thus cant sleep very well there.Any how when I went on my little sleep walk I think it was in aid of the toilet but as you can imagine being still asleep my aim was some what "off" shall we say, so off in fact I was told the next day that I was stood atop of the stairs peeing generally all the way down. Lets just say my mam wasnt impressed and I was confronted with the "are you on drugs type frank talk".

This is the funniest thread I've read in ages - 5 stars :D :D
Keep 'em coming!

I have no real sleep walking stories, I think when I was like 4-5 I used to pee in places not intended to be pee'd on and my mum told me when I was about 8 I was asleep playing with my Tomy trainset asking why there were no triangles for it?

:rolleyes: :p
Funniest sleepwalking incident I've ever seen was when we were at a retreat with the school when I was younger.

There was two dorms, and I was in a dorm with 8 other lads. Anyway, as you do when your younger we pulled all nighters all the time bar a few people who always seemed to want to go asleep.

Anyway, one night our door opens and we're all jumping under the covers cos we think it's one of the teachers when this lad from the other dorm walks in. He's just wearin' shorts and no top and walks in rubbin his nipples and muttering something about how this is nice... he then proceeds to try his best to get into bed with this other lad!!.. He even has a go at him when he won't let him in lol.

With all the laughin he woke up and was like WTF and walked out of our dorm calling us all *******. Was so funny.

My brother's quite bad with sleep talking. Some of the stories he tells us are great when he's asleep - you can pretty much have a conversation with him. He rarely sleep walks, but after a night out, I got in at about 3am... Put the alarm on and walked upstairs to be met by my brother - fully dressed in school uniform with a toothbrush in his mouth. I was like WTF, and asked him what he thought he was doing. He said mum had just shouted him and it was time to go school and where had I been... quick thinking, I said - Yeah, just been the shop,.... and let the mofo think it was time for school. I jumped in bed, waited a few minutes and heard the outside alarm go off --- Cue mum and dad rushing down and thinking my bro was a burgler!! well funny.
I'm terrible in my sleep.
I regularly sleepwalk a bit, usually just around my room but I have been known to go downstairs. Once I went downstairs and opened the front door because I thought someone rang the doorbell :o

I also talk and laugh in my sleep a fair bit, sometimes cry.

I text people in my sleep as well, which can be problematic in the morning ;) Once had my bf think he'd upset me because I texted him a really sarcastic and confusing text at 2am and he thought I was annoyed when really I don't remember texting him at all.

I've also stripped a bed while sleeping in it in a hotel. It was two single beds pushed together and I stripped the second one by myself in my sleep with no recollection of doing so :o
Lmao, have 5 stars.

The worst sleep-talking ive had is when i was 12-13years old i went on a school trip and there was about 5 of us per dorm. And i was sleeping and i started talking about how i wanted to cover this guy up(name was Martin) in chocolate and lick it off him... I did get quite a ripping from the guys in the morning, especially Martin, who was awake while this happened and seemed to be quite shocked apparently :D

well, at the moment I am a couple of hundred miles away, and the other night, we were having an intimate session, exchanging various messages - late at night.
Anyway, it got late and Pheebs nodded off, leaving a certain object out.

Next morning, when pheebs was tidying up, a certain object wasnt around anywhere - and her parents were due around at any moment.

i was in hysterics whilst chatting to her, as she got more and more stressed. In the end, she relented and just made sure that the cupboards and bathroom was clear.

Anyway, a couple of hours later, I got a text saying all was well. Pheebs had fortunatly found the object, which during the night, she had discreetly hidden in the breadbin - she also found other objects moved around - but this was the icing on the cake. Bless her!

Sandwiches anyone?
SteveH said:
Anyway, one night our door opens and we're all jumping under the covers cos we think it's one of the teachers when this lad from the other dorm walks in. He's just wearin' shorts and no top and walks in rubbin his nipples and muttering something about how this is nice... he then proceeds to try his best to get into bed with this other lad!!.. He even has a go at him when he won't let him in lol.

With all the laughin he woke up and was like WTF and walked out of our dorm calling us all *******. Was so funny.

OMG i think that was my mate, either that or he did almost the same thing! This is what happened:

We were on an outward bound retreat thing and we were staying in one of two dorm blocks idenical inlayout and next to each other. This guy got up, went out his fire escape, walked to the next block and walked in (via the fire escape or main building i dont know) and into the mirroring dorm to the one he was sleeping in and got into the equivalent bed to his, with someone in it. He was a bit vague as to what happened from there but i believe he woke up and had to go to the staff (in his t-shirt and boxers) to let him in because he closed the fire escape behind him. This same guy boards at my school and apparently people wake up to find him standing over them staring at them and him screaming at them.
Little Johnny had a sleep walking problem. Every morning his mother would wake him up in ever stranger places. First under his bed, then the hallways, on top of the TV... you get the idea.

Anyway, one morning little johhny woke up to find his pecker was a popsicle.

badum tish!

I'll get me coat...
Not sleep walking as such but apparantly when I was younger I was making strange noises and talking like I was possessed by the devil or something. My dad said it woke him up but he was too scared to come into my room!
SteveH said:
My brother's quite bad with sleep talking. Some of the stories he tells us are great when he's asleep - you can pretty much have a conversation with him. He rarely sleep walks, but after a night out, I got in at about 3am... Put the alarm on and walked upstairs to be met by my brother - fully dressed in school uniform with a toothbrush in his mouth. I was like WTF, and asked him what he thought he was doing. He said mum had just shouted him and it was time to go school and where had I been... quick thinking, I said - Yeah, just been the shop,.... and let the mofo think it was time for school. I jumped in bed, waited a few minutes and heard the outside alarm go off --- Cue mum and dad rushing down and thinking my bro was a burgler!! well funny.

A friend of mine did a similar thing, except he wasn't noticed by anyone. He got up at about 2am, got dressed for school, had breakfast and walked out of the house. He woke up three streets away with no recollection of how he got there!

I myself have only sleepwalked once to my knowledge; when I was 15 my mum found me wandering around her study in the early hours of the morning. When she asked me what I was doing I apparently got quite angry, saying that I was returning some of her stationary as she was always complaining about me borrowing her stuff and not returning it. Incidentally I hadn't actually returned anything :confused:
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A mate of mine got really lashed while we were at another guys house, and in the middle of the night he got up and ****** in the fireplace and then all over peoples stacked up belongings in the lounge (this is why I put my stuff in the car lol)
almost killed myself once sleepwalking.

I was 11yrs old, and on the end of Primary School trip out in some woods.

During the day we were taken on a trek round the woods and got to these really deep peat bogs. There was little to no track running in between the bogs, and if you fell down...well you were as good as dead.

During the night I managed to undo the rope tie/knot of the tent (something i couldn't do when awake) and start walking out of our camping area. I was barefoot walking through the woods, and did the exact same trek we'd done in the day.

I cam to the peat bogs and somehow managed to walk on windy path round all the peat bogs. The path is literally a 2 foot wide mud track of which either side are the bogs.

I woke up in a different camping site and screamed. One of the teachers of that campsite came out flashing a light in my eyes. She asked me where i was from. I said "what?". She asked again, and I came out with the comedy answer of..."well my parents are originally from Goa".

I still don't know how I didn't fall into a bog and die that night.

The last couple of nights I've woken up with the bottom of my feet on the desk at the end of my bed. I was trying to find the gear stick down by the side of my bed. I was getting annoyed because I couldn't find it, (wonder why). Also I couldn't move my feet because I would stall.

Quite funny tbh.
I've only ever just walked about. Fell off a ladder once.

Me and somone I knew from school were spotted sleep walking together down some hall in a place we were staying. We were on a ghost walk that night, teacher didnt sound too pleased to find 2 people wondering about incoherently :D

rossyl said:
I still don't know how I didn't fall into a bog and die that night.


Generally you wouldnt endanger yourself, ie. When ever do you walk into a wall? how do you just happen to walk through doorways etc?
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