
12 Mar 2004
Does anyone here sleepwalk? Lately I've been turning off the alarm clock in my sleep so I've been unable to wake up at the correct time no matter how hard I try, extremely frustrating. :mad:
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.

Nah ive never sleepwalked, although i used to end up with my head at the opposite side of the bed. So i guess i was doing that thing homer does on the floor.
Not personally but my sister did when she was younger... a number of times would try to "fly" down the stairs in her sleep and only escaped serious injury by the merest chance... other times she would walk downstairs into the kitchen and strike up a conversation with an imaginary person and was v. startled when my parents woke her.

EDIT: Actually that was quite weird... my parents swapped our bedrooms as mine had a lock on the door incase they needed to lock her in - but she stopped sleep walking for the most part after that - and I'd quite regular dream of flying down the stairs while sleeping in that room - but never sleep walked that anyone knows of... it was over the kitchen/boiler so wonder if there was fumes coming up from somewhere...
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I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.
*Backs away slowly from Deadbeat*
I use to a lot, couple of memorable occasions; walked into my mum and dads room, opened the 2nd floor window and attempted to climb out of the window via their dressing table. Of course this woke my parents as I knocked their TV on the floor lol. Also i've woken up in the (empty) bath, wrapped up in my quilt..
do strange things in my sleep, I've taken posters down, searched for things, but Iremember doing it all, I know I'm doing it, but can't control it

My brother managed to get out the hosue and halfway down the road before we realised
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.

Omg, sry to hear that dude.
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.

Good moral to the story there!
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.

ISSUES you have them
Yes, it's linked to stress/anxiety and I have done extremely strange things over the year and not remembered them in the morning.

I have had various tests with neurologists (including tests for epilepsy) but there is nothing they can find. Just one of those things!
I posted about it on another forum that can't be linked to here. I watched a mate of mine get up, walk the entire length of his house, past the bathroom, and take a leak in the wardrobe before walking back again.
Does anyone here sleepwalk? Lately I've been turning off the alarm clock in my sleep so I've been unable to wake up at the correct time no matter how hard I try, extremely frustrating. :mad:
Nice excuse! I'ma have to write that one down for the next time I'm late for work :p
Does anyone here sleepwalk? Lately I've been turning off the alarm clock in my sleep so I've been unable to wake up at the correct time no matter how hard I try, extremely frustrating. :mad:

Start having your duvet/blankets all tucked in really tight like at a hotel, I don't think you'll be sleepwalking then. :p
I sleepwalk/talk. It's worse after I've been drinking. I have:

dismantled a bathroom.
taken a radiator off the wall.
woken up in the lift at uni.
locked myself out of my house. Neighbours have let me in and I have no recollection of the event.
Most recently, went for a stroll to the seaside.

Thinking of getting some help as although it doesn't happen very often it's the situations i get myself into. I currently live on a top floor flat without window locks, don't trust myself.
Yep, I have a tendancy to sleepwalk and sleeptalk. Few things I've done over the years:

-Believed I was sleeping on the couch in the front room, went to climb over the back of the couch (lifted my leg up a couple of feet to accommodate what I thought was the seat back, but was just thin air) fell down and bust my lip on my bed. Then proceeded to walk into my sisters door and get blood all down it, unfortunately my mum had cleaned it up before I woke up after she put me back in bed (was only ~7yo at the time)

-Shouted at my girlfriends mum when on holiday, thinking it was my sister coming in our room (I had fallen asleep straight away and she was talking to the girlfriend) and told her I'd punch her if she didn't get out...then woke up and apologised to her as I realised what the hell I'd just done. Didn't live that one down for a while :mad:

-Shouted random things that have been taken in the wrong way, most noticeably "mam, stop it" - when camping and a gust of wind blew the tent violently and I got woken up, it was meant as in getting her to stop whatever was happening (not quite sure why I said it really) but my mates found it hilarious and claimed it was meant in another, err, 'wrong' way...:eek: lol

-Believed I had been at a gig which I was going to in a weeks time, and that there were 5 people staying in my room. I panicked when my mate wasn't in bed next to me, and my other mates weren't on the floor or in my chair. I then went downstairs and looked under all the cushions in the front room (WTF?!) until I realised "hang on, what am I doing?"...then I went and drank a big bottle of milk (2 litres) and put the empty carton back in the fridge and went to bed.

There are plenty more, current girlfriend has had conversations with me in the middle of the night a fair few times which she always likes to remind me about.

It's often when I'm in places I'm not used to (camping, other mates houses, hotel etc) but there's no real pattern to it :confused:
I do when i get quite stressed/anxious but its always the same.

I wake up in the bath which is still, thankfully, empty. Usually pretty sore though as its not the most comfortable.

Quite a simple explanation for me though, a long soak in a hot bath has always been the best way for me to chill out so its pretty much something to do with that
I tend to hold conversations with people in my sleep. I walked into my mum's room, sat on her bed and had a good chat to her, and I knew nothing about it in the morning. I've woken up underneath the downstairs table a couple of times too.
I don't think that's the same thing.

I get violent in my sleep. Shouting and swearing, I hit a few people and threatened my (ex)girlfriend with death. I smashed a TV, poured a kettle of boiling water on my foot, killed a rabbit, turned every radiator in the house to max, set fire to the lawn and broke into my neighbour's house. Cannabis helps now.

Edit: This wasn't one crazy night by the way, just a sample of events over the course of many years.

Jesus :eek:
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