Smart move: deleted Hexic

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
So after a weekend with my new 360 I thought I'd clear some of the rubbish off the xbox HD (regardless of the 1000bytes vs 1024bytes issue and other overhead, where has seven gig gone?). I deleted all of my game saves from mucking around in the various games and to start again. Little did I know instead of deleting the save for Hexic, I deleted the game :(

I can't see it on the Marketplace, and a quick google reveals you have to phone support to get them to send you a code for it. All the results are in the US though. Anyone had any luck with this in the UK? I'll be phoning them as soon as they are open.
SiD the Turtle said:
So after a weekend with my new 360 I thought I'd clear some of the rubbish off the xbox HD (regardless of the 1000bytes vs 1024bytes issue and other overhead, where has seven gig gone?). I deleted all of my game saves from mucking around in the various games and to start again. Little did I know instead of deleting the save for Hexic, I deleted the game :(

I can't see it on the Marketplace, and a quick google reveals you have to phone support to get them to send you a code for it. All the results are in the US though. Anyone had any luck with this in the UK? I'll be phoning them as soon as they are open.

Was under the impression you could dload it direct from live!? if not there are disks available for download from sites of ill-repute that have it on a bootable CD
As far as im aware they never put it on the marketplace for whatever reason, im not sure if support will be able to help you but its worth a go if you have seen something on the net.

As for the missing 7gb on the HDD, its used for Cache and also Emulation so it cant be used for anything else which is why it only shows up as 13gb.

The sooner they get bigger HDD's out the better I say, mines nearly full already.
Agr3sive said:
As far as im aware they never put it on the marketplace for whatever reason,.

Probably to stop people downloading it to memory card, Hexic is a bonus that comes with the HDs. Presumably to attempt to justify the price premium they put on a £10 20GB drive.
Boogle said:
Probably to stop people downloading it to memory card, Hexic is a bonus that comes with the HDs. Presumably to attempt to justify the price premium they put on a £10 20GB drive.
Yeah but the could have it on there as some kinda pay for dload for those that dont have HD's :( silly MS
Ultra_Extreme said:
Yeah but the could have it on there as some kinda pay for dload for those that dont have HD's :( silly MS

I dunno, I don't think people will pay £50 for Hexic :D
Boogle said:
Probably to stop people downloading it to memory card, Hexic is a bonus that comes with the HDs. Presumably to attempt to justify the price premium they put on a £10 20GB drive.

IIRC the Xbox 360 is a 2.5in SATA drive. 2.5 inch drives are normally more expensive.

Newer technology so I guess the inflated price.
I've had a friend do the same. Ring MS support and tell them what you've done and they'll ring you back in a day or so with a code to type into the 360 to re-download it.
So where do you type the code in then? You must have to press a key combo to make a hidden area pop up or something.

Just phoned the UK support number and got through straight away (option 1 for the 360 then 4 for games for anyone searching for this in the future). They took the usual info off of me as my console's serial number isn't registered yet (didn't want to have to do that), where I brought the console and also my gamertag. They said that they will get a rep to phone me back (might take a few days) with a redemption code to input into XBox live to allow me to download the game.

All this info leads me to guess that the code is tied to your account/Xbox so no spreading of the love I'm afraid :D
Called back support as I missed a call from them during the day. They had the code, but this time of day its our friends over the channel in France are maning the phones, which was amusing when the guy was trying to read me a 25 digit product key in his thick french accent: "Gee as in Jon, T as in Tumbo (:confused: ) etc". Luckily it worked first time and its now downloading. :D
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