Smith College "racism" farce - will we see more of this in the UK?

NO we will not see more of this in the UK as this did not happen in the UK

That doesn't follow. That this incident didn't happen in the UK doesn't restrict future instances from happening in the UK, it is perfectly possible that we could see more instances of this sort of thing and those instances don't necessarily need happen in the US.
NO we will not see more of this in the UK as this did not happen in the UK

Neither did George Floyd but it didn't stop BLM (a Marxist organisation) and kneeling at sports events getting a foot hold in mainstream UK culture (the kneeling was started by an NFL player). It's all designed to divide and damage western society that's why, you guys need to read up on how Communist groups have historically exploited black communities, it's a lot easier to rile up black people against white people than it is the working class against business owners. Divide and conquer.

An essential tenet of the Communist strategy was the destruction of black businesses. Black communities could not have strong, independent, economies because that would undermine the communist argument that they were oppressed by the white man. According to Johnson, they schemed to ensure that black people were dependent on white businesses and on the U.S. government. If the black community was thriving, they wouldn’t be susceptible to the communist victimhood propaganda.

Like it or not Trump created record black employment, whilst Communist China created Covid which shut down whole economies and Democrats and their corporate media cronies created race riots which (with the help of ANTIFA) destroyed black neighbourhoods.

Trump also gained black and other minority votes in 2020 despite all of the propaganda calling him racist for 4 years and having to denounce white supremacy at every corporate media interview, figure it out.
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Neither did George Floyd but it didn't stop BLM (a Marxist organisation) and kneeling at sports events getting a foot hold in mainstream UK culture (the kneeling was started by an NFL player). It's all designed to divide and damage western society that's why, you guys need to read up on how Communist groups have historically exploited black communities, it's a lot easier to rile up black people against white people than it is the working class against business owners. Divide and conquer.

Like it or not Trump created record black employment, whilst Communist China created Covid which shut down whole economies and Democrats and their corporate media cronies created race riots which (with the help of ANTIFA) destroyed black neighbourhoods.

Trump also gained black and other minority votes in 2020 despite all of the propaganda calling him racist for 4 years and having to denounce white supremacy at every corporate media interview, figure it out.
Them red pills yo
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