Snakes on a plane

Just back from seeing this, and it was brilliant. 10/10 for pure entertainment.

"Im Sick of these Mother ******* Snakes on this Mother ******* Plane" pure genious. No other actor could have pulled that movie of only Samuel L.
Anyone hear about the two pranksters who released a diamondback rattlesnake into a cinema showing the film over in the states?
Just imagine it, ooh...
Just got back from Bluewater, didn't really want to see this film but my mate insisted we did, and I'm mildly surprised that I actually enjoyed it, great stuff.
Seen it last week, I was expecting it to be carp, I only went to see it because I was really bored, the story line sounds pap but yeah, really great, enjoyed it a lot. Kenan out of Kenan and Kel was really funny, when the woman was sucking the puss out of the little boys arm who got bitten by a snake, and he's stareing at her and goes "ooooh yeah.... Just like that..." that was frickken hilarious. Then when he's like I got over 2000 hours of flight time, samuel l jackson goes "xbox or playstation?" "ps2" LOL. It was quite scary as well in places, the snakes all looked real etc.

Anyone seen Miami Vice? I went to see that the other week, I seen the trailor for it when I went to see Tokyo Drift (which was also a great film) and it looked really good but I was bored out of my skull with Miami Vice. I was expecting it to be great, it had a great trailor, Colin Farrol and Jamie Foxx but I almost walked out half way through.
This film was absolute quality.

"..sporks.. :/ " Immense.

And of course.. the mother******* bit :p Was wondering if it would ever come. Then it did, and oh my god it was perfect :D

Loved the film, as did all 4 of the friends I dragged along to it, who were dubious to say the least prior to viewing.
Yup, loved it too.

The three young american lads were so funny too. Storyline on the other hand was pritty poor, but that was soon soaked up with lots of scary bits, sex and comical phrases :D
BrightonBelle said:
Yeah surprised me that this got through as a 15.

Wouldn't want my 15 yr old seeing all that nork action.


BB x
On that recommendation...buys tickets...:D
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