Average FPS: 103.8
Minimum FPS: 17.6
Maximum FPS: 770.3
Number Of Frames: 7886
Average Frame: 9.635ms
Minimum Frame: 1.298ms
Maximum Frame: 56.746ms
Machine Name: MALS
Monitors: 1
Operating System: Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit
System RAM: 8067MB
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Number of Cores: 8
GPU Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Feature Level: DX11.0
Dedicated VRAM: 3072MB
Resolution Width: 1920
Resolution Height: 1080
Texture Detail: ULTRA
Shadows Detail: ULTRA
Draw Distance: ULTRA
Anti-aliasing: HIGH
Supersampling: 4.0x
Anisotropic Level: 16
Obscurance Fields: ON
Tessellation: ON
Ambient Occlusion: ON
Motion Blur: ON
Vertical Sync: OFF
Reduce Mouse Lag: OFF
Stereo 3D: OFF
it's faster with motion blur on ............... latest GPU drivers ( no choice)
MSI Afterburner from top down = no volts then + 100......+ 69...........so the cards are on about 30% overclock, down from 60% for about the last month
cpu is down from 5.2.........to 4.8........to 4.6 right now
What were your actual clockspeeds for the CPU and GPU, also which drivers are you using please.