Snow Leopard to bring updated UI?

I find that one of the best things about OSX.. the fact that applications can't monopolise the user's focus. It *really* annoys me that every application and it's dog in windows believes that it has the sole right to create a modal dialogue window.

To each his own, but I find i tend to give programs i'm using my focus by default. I can't give a program focus if I don't know it even exists!

The option to have one couldn't be a bad thing. I hope the PC/Mac problem swallows it's pride to give us the best bits from each interface sooner rather than later.
As long as they turn off mouse acceleration off I'll be happy... My mouse also seems more laggy under OSX than XP.... :(
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I like mouse acceleration. unless you have a low dpi you have to drag the mouse for a long time otherwise. It should be an option like in windows.
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