Snow stories!

Then girlfriend in car, turned into a street I knew had snow on it... Vauxhall Tigra with 300 and I yanked the handbrake, cue the car going way to far around and no amount of throttle helping and lifting up on two wheels as it hit the curb. New wheel and axle on that one.
I want snow so I can put the winter wheels on and go for an ill advised razz.

In part because the Corolla will look ridiculous with E30 bottlecaps with 185:70:14 winter tyres on them :p
Way back when I got my first 3 series some friends called me about 4am wanting a lift back from Birmingham City centre as it was so bad no taxis or anyone was about.

First time in such deep snow with no gritted roads on my way there I got a bit cocky and thought "let's turn the traction control off, hey?!" ..... skid....spin...CRUNK!

Will never forget the sound of my alloys dinking into the curb as I 360'd down this empty road hahaha!

Let's just say it was a while before I took the traction control off again!

Just getting ready to attack the Birmingham roads and motorway it to Leicester... or maybe lanes would be better... either way I need to clear half a foot of snow off the car first though! Wish me luck!


I was going to be doing a few xmas visits to see customers this week...some in Leicester and Birmingham. May have to give it a miss this week as forecast is bad for a few days this week!
Had to drive back from oxford yesterday, took 3 hours.

Got stuck twice because people were just stopping on hills for no reason.

Managed a low speed spin. Hit a bump in the road at about 10-15 mph which seemed to unbalance the car as it went from bump to sheet ice, over corrected and ended up doing a 180. Didn't hit anything so no damage done.
I hope someone sensible finally decided to head up the hill and warn people that there was a pileup at the bottom.

Reminds me of this from last year.

Once upon a time it snowed. The protagonist in this story loves snow, but doesn't particularly like driving in it. The idea of slush being thrown up all over his car, the front end being pelted by grit and Mrs Miggins rear ending him in her Vauxhall Agila filled him with fear, so he decided to not drive his car and have it safely left on the drive until the snow disappears. The End.
Heres my story

people have forgotten how to drive today

People doing 20mph in a 60 on a road with no snow apart from on the verges

People on the motorway doing much the same and sitting in the middle lane

I did 300 miles today towing so i was limited to two lanes and 60mph and have sure had enough of plebs.

On the other hand Range rovers are brilliant in this weather
It's like a blizzard here tonight, got some nice sideways in ma wee truck trying to get up some not at all gritted ever roads in the borders!
The wife's Freelanders 1 was an absolute beast in the snow, I just couldn't make the wheels spin unless I floored it from a standstill or once on a 14% ungritted lane (and then the TC and rear wheels kick in and it gets going anyway). It is a slightly counterintuitive car to drive as you need to lose grip to make the TC and rear wheels work.
Heres my story

people have forgotten how to drive today

People doing 20mph in a 60 on a road with no snow apart from on the verges

People on the motorway doing much the same and sitting in the middle lane

I did 300 miles today towing so i was limited to two lanes and 60mph and have sure had enough of plebs.

On the other hand Range rovers are brilliant in this weather

This is true, overtook a honda civic earlier doing about 20 on a perfectly clear road, when a bm on summer tyres is passing you in weather like this you've probably misjudged it
One from a few years back when we lived in a flat at the bottom of a hill overlooking a main-ish road.
A good 4 inches of snow fell overnight. I was working from home, so yeah... I was sat on the bed watching the chaos on the road.

A ex military Land Rover Discovery with a large tow bar comes down the hill and slows down and stops at the junction at the bottom of the road. A really quite new BMW 5 Series comes down the hill and doesn't stop. *Crump* Landy pulls off to the side as does the BMW while dumping all kinds of fluids. BMW driver gets out and starts ranting at the Landy driver about why he stopped (it was a give way junction and quite busy). At this point, I was starting to put some warm stuff on to go offer the Landy driver a witness.

Unfortunately, Mr angry didn't close his door after getting out to have a rant and another car sliding down the hill took that out. Fully bent it back to hit the wing.

Have to say, I laughed my arse off for a few minutes after that.
I assume you didn’t take chains? Got the 330d up to Val Thorens multiple times on summer tyres, only once did I have to stop to put on chains. The biggest issue is keeping momentum with all the idiots damn near stopping on every single switchback.

I assume we know that chains are a legal requirement in France if there's snow in the alps. So, please, if not just for someone elses sake, take chains.
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