SNOW!!! woopee!!!

We've got a good 8 inches or so. I'm sure the kids around here will have a field day leathering people's windows, and passing cars/busses/pensioners.
The view from my bedroom window in Dundee this morning:

A view from the same time last week whilst out and about in Valletta, Malta:

I'm not sure where I would rather be actually!

Flaking down here, but all that's the left overs from last week.

It would have to snow when I had to do about 100 miles this morning :mad: It was quite bad when I was heading back home on the M62, couldn't even see the road markings and a few cars had come off the road.
Think I might have to join in with all the picture posting fun...

This is in Manchester at the moment.

Oh wait... take those pictures and then double the amount of snow that's falling. It just turned into a blizzard here :eek:
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