Snowstorms set to blanket Britiain

Well Bournemouth is meant to get a light showering of snow on thursday. We got a light showering of snow last thursday and it didn't settle. I just got wet walking home.

Not looking forward to this.

after the ground has been covered in snow for 2 days straight i will then believe its properly snowed... most of the time it might snow for maybe a couple of hours.. and anything that does settle is gone by the following morning.. which is just mean
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I was woke up by hail stones hitting against the window, but i looks quite nice outside now, so i'll be surprised if i get snow here.
i see there is spose to be 85% chance i get snow here 2morrow but its sunny at mo but sposely getting over cast later so if thats true the forecast may be on target for once
That fancy website states that there is a 77% chance of snow falling this very second here in London. The sky is overcast but there isnt even the slightest hint of snow :(
Gedalia_w said:
That fancy website states that there is a 77% chance of snow falling this very second here in London. The sky is overcast but there isnt even the slightest hint of snow :(

Thats the 23% part :)
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