SNP to break up Britian?

18 Mar 2008
This this and this. I thought it was a joke at first. This would be a disaster.

A disaster?

Our political system is already a disaster, nothing can make it worse than it already is.

If anything this may even make it better, so stop judging people, especially adolescents who might actually care and want a nation that isnt a cesspool of double-speaking, back-stabbing invertebrates.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Not a new state according to the SG. Both states, Scotland and rUK would be in same "boat".

Do you really think the eu is going to kick out the second largest net contributor to the eu budget?

The rUK will be a successor state to the current UK, while Scotland will be a new state. the blueprint already exists for this. it doesn't matter what the Scottish government thinks, they don't define the rules or the process.
9 Apr 2008
None of my Scott's family want Scotland leave the union (all of my dads side) because there is no point.

For entry into the EU, there's no precedent to what happens when a state that is currently a member splits in 2, so it could end up looking foolish and not a member at all...

That said there really is no point to Scottish independence, I don't see how Britain have acted as some sort of horrible master race over Scotland extracting tribute and brutalising the population....
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
What the UK?

That will be gone.

The status of the rUK is not your decision to make, Scotland is not the centre of the decision making process. Scotland can demand independence, but as has been pointed out to you many times, does not get to dictate the terms, either to the rUK or the rest of the world.

Where, and why?

the closest example would probably be the approach taken towards the USSR and Russia within the UN.
18 Mar 2008
None of my Scott's family want Scotland leave the union (all of my dads side) because there is no point.

For entry into the EU, there's no precedent to what happens when a state that is currently a member splits in 2, so it could end up looking foolish and not a member at all...

That said there really is no point to Scottish independence, I don't see how Britain have acted as some sort of horrible master race over Scotland extracting tribute and brutalising the population....

It has very little to do with that.

What Scotland needs is a responsible government and Westminster SUCKS and nobody can be bothered to fix Britain, so it might as well just fall apart.
16 Jul 2004
I might demand independance for my road, as we have some pretty nice cars so I figure we will do well.

We'll still use the pound, though

..and stay as EU members.

I'll also demand that we take ownership of the farm and stables nearby, as I feel it's rightfully ours.
20 Aug 2003
Meh, let him have his referendum, if he loses, then he can bugger off, if he wins then it'll be a shame, but to be honest I don't think Scotland contributes much to the union, wouldn't the rest of the UK actually be better off financially as Scotland takes more than it gives?
Yes it does, the percentages are generally what gets thrown around (something like 9.4% contribution and 9.3% taken a couple of years ago iirc) but since the government spends more than it takes (still) in cash terms I would imagine that Scotland takes more than it puts in.
(applying those percentages against last years projected [not found final figures yet] tax take of 589billion in and 710billion out then Scotland would have contributed 55.366billion but taken 66.03billion........yes I know the numbers are from different years, as soon as I find the Scottish numbers for 2011/12 I will be able to confirm)
29 Aug 2003
The status of the rUK is not your decision to make, Scotland is not the centre of the decision making process. Scotland can demand independence, but as has been pointed out to you many times, does not get to dictate the terms, either to the rUK or the rest of the world.

The status of Scotland is not your decision to make, the rUK is not the centre of the decision making process?

The United Kingdom would cease to exist.

Scotlands legal position upon leaving the UK has nothing to do with dictating to the rUK or the rest of the world.

Frankly I have no idea what business it would be of the rUK, and otherwise.

Nonetheless, they are in the same boat.

Dolph said:
the closest example would probably be the approach taken towards the USSR and Russia within the UN.

Not quite intra-EU is it?

Soviet rule = Westminster Rule? Is that what you really want to say the status quo is?

Or was it a marriage of equals?



9 Jul 2005
Lets make one thing clear here Salmond only cares about one thing and thats Salmond, all he really wants is to get his ego rubbed and his face on the telly, if theres no TV there he doesnt care :mad:
18 Mar 2008
Lets make one thing clear here Salmond only cares about one thing and thats Salmond, all he really wants is to get his ego rubbed and his face on the telly, if there no TV there he doesnt care :mad:

Perhaps, but that is what you get with particularly Scottish leaders.

Plus aren't all politicians brushed the same way?

Bit of a pointless statement really.
29 Aug 2003
Yes it does, the percentages are generally what gets thrown around (something like 9.4% contribution and 9.3% taken a couple of years ago iirc) but since the government spends more than it takes (still) in cash terms I would imagine that Scotland takes more than it puts in.
(applying those percentages against last years projected [not found final figures yet] tax take of 589billion in and 710billion out then Scotland would have contributed 55.366billion but taken 66.03billion........yes I know the numbers are from different years, as soon as I find the Scottish numbers for 2011/12 I will be able to confirm)

Scotland raises more taxes than is spent in Scotland.

It's the subsidy junky myth, it has been a factor in majority support for Full Fiscal Autonomy, it isn't the primary reason but it is often mentioned in some fashion.
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