Well mine was delivered today, the box had taken quite a belt, had a hole in over the screen which was a bit worrying, but I signed for it anyway and opened it up to find the thin foam protector over the screen had a couple of holes in it so by this point I thought the monitor was going to be knackered, as it turns out it's not, it works fine and doesn't seem to have any dead pixels. The display does look rather washed out and a bit naff compared to the 2209 though, I've had a little fiddle with the settings, backed off the brightness and toned the blue and green down a tad, which makes it look a little more natural, still not really that impressed though, but then I have been using only IPS and PVA monitors since 2003 now, put it this way, for £150 it's brilliant though. It's terrfic value for money and I never expected it to compete with much more expensive IPS displays. It is nice to have a higher resolution again though, I've been using 1680x1050 for quite a while now, I had 1920x1200 before that, so to go back to 1920 wide is great.