So I bought a cheap Chinese bike...

They do make a 350cc Version, Same bike but with the 350 lump in it.

Before I got rid I had a fella on my Facebook who had put a 650 in his, Don't think I'd want to trust that frame & brake set up with a 650 though. :p
You are right though Tefal a 250 would be perfect & I did look around for a Super dream, Nice lazy twin 250 like that would have suited it sweet with some cut down pipes.

i want something small light and indestructible for winter i don't want to be taking the vfr out in the frost every day for work.

it's only about a 10min journey so was thinking a 125 or something.
i want something small light and indestructible for winter i don't want to be taking the vfr out in the frost every day for work.

it's only about a 10min journey so was thinking a 125 or something.

I think for a short 10 minute commute to work I'd buy a 2nd hand Honda C90, Prob the most proven & reliable ped in the whole wide World. It will Never let you down, Is unreal on juice & has leg shields to keep your work trousers clean dry & free from spray. You could thrash it all day leave it outside in the rain & it would still be more reliable than most 1T's out there. :)
Yeah, I had the same initial issues. From the dealer it was woefully slow, struggling to hit 15mph. I took it to the dealer and they did the following:

Removed inlet washer
Bypassed that egr thing which connects to the carb and exhaust
Set valves correctly (inlet had zero clearance)
Needle set to middle position
Replaced HT lead and plug with NGK ones

It now runs acceptably, although like you it does feel slow after getting off a big bike. One thing to check is the speedo which, on ours at least, under reads by about 5mph at the top end, so 30mph on the clock is actually 35 (verified by gps app and me following on my GS)

I've just bought a chain and sprockets to play around with the gearing, as apparently it's happier pulling a bigger gear. Other than that the remaining restriction is the exhaust which is a bigger job, but as it's currently doing 35 and its a 4T 50cc, I think that's about it. Next step would be the dodgy area of 70cc kits.

Take a look a ooracing for parts :)

Cheers ,have already found ooracing ;) ,liked the 70cc kits :D,Adrian there suggested removing the retrictor and going up 10 on the main jet ,needs all the help it can get to be honest as I feel it's dangerously slow as is ,so will rejet and think about exhaust to as that sounds like it's strangling the engine to
What top speed are you getting at the moment? I'm tempted by the 70cc kit, as chances of being caught are minimal and a bit more power is safer.
only took it round the block last night when they dropped it back to see if it would go up a hill ,which i had to get off and push it up on Sunday and yes it did go up the hill so they had improved it ,saw about 30 going down the hill .Learner moped or not I feel its dangerously slow to use in modern traffic and certainly don't want my daughter using it until it goes a bit quicker ,so hopefully the removing the restrictor and rejetting will improve this ,interesting what they did with the EGR thing you mentioned,will have a look at that to ,it's a pretty bike and buildwise doesn't seem to bad .£180 is a lot for the big bore kit but is certainly worth thinking about as I know I felt very vunerable ,not so much with the speed as I was only riding in a 30mph zone but the awful acceleration pulling away from junctions
A 50 is a 50 at the end of the day. When I had a 125 and I had a go on a 50 and couldnt believe just how little power there was compared to mine. I wouldnt go too far in trying to get more power out of it as by the time you've done all these things it will be time to get a 125.
Yeah they are fundementally slow - they only have about 3bhp. They do get a bit faster over time as they loosen up too.

I had the same concerns about acceleration, but my son loves it. He's also a lot lighter than me and when I followed him on my GS the acceleration seemed a fair bit quicker. Definitely fine on the flat, just a bit sluggish when turning or setting off on a hill!
I love the look of it!

£1700 for the 125 version according to the article linked in the OP. Author said he managed to get it up to 8bhp after adding a big bore kit.
Looking at that little frame I reckon you could drop a C90 lump in that. :D
Its an identical frame to the fact the whole bike other than the engine, carb and exhaust is identical! That was one of the plus points for buying it, because after a year when he's 17 we can upgrade it by chucking in a 125 engine, which will fit directly in for little money :)
First mods....some replacement really shocks, Continental Tyres and a smaller rear sprocket.

Pleased with them all. The tyres and shocks make a huge difference to the handling and it now does 40 on the flat (eventually!)

First mods by sagalout, on Flickr
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Buying a Sinnis Apache 125 on Thursday from a dealer which is fairly local.
Went into the shop today had a good sit on a few bikes to get the feel for them, had a yamaha ybr there as-well used though with 6000miles and only a 2006 model for around £1900.
The apache is alittle tall, but I can comfortable put my foot on the ground when my right leg is on the break/stand. Can tip toe while straight up, which shouldn't be a problem.
Getting it for £1850 + £30 delivery, with a stainless steel exhaust system already on the bike replacing the one which would get rusty over time (which I would have replaced anyway with the stainless steel or a DEP)
Plus also buying pretty much all the gear required there as they have nice prices and they will add a discount since I'm buying everything there (apart from the chain which will be almax most likely)
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