So I fell of my bike.... Do I need a new helmet

26 Oct 2007
Death Star or Mount Doom, it depends on the day.
It was on my way to work on one of these fine winters mornings. Black ice is the Devil. I was doing about 20 something, some how ended falling backwards and I seem to have chipped my Caberg V2R helmet. Besides from the plate being broke at the top, I only have a few scratches on it. Do I need a new helmet???
If it was a bang, replace it. If it was a slide, will most likely be fine.

When I came off on ice in February this year, I managed to keep my head up as soon as I felt the bike go, only damage was to the waterproof over-trousers and camo trousers underneath.
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If it was a bang, replace it. If it was a slide, will most likely be fine.

When I came off on ice in February this year, I managed to keep my head up as soon as I felt the bike go, only damage was to the waterproof over-trousers and camo trousers underneath.
x 2.

Helmets are only designed for a single impact - even if you drop it while putting it on, get a new one :(
I did give me head a pretty good smacking. Its chipped away and broke the plate along the top. Damn, they are so expensive right near a time when you don't need expense.
of = off right? (sorry ocuk standards have become engrained on me)

Anyway bounce the helmet off the floor = new helmet, they are a bit of a one accident only thing.

Look at it on the bright side though, excuse to get something really cool/matching with the rest of your set up! :)
bit a superglue n some touch up paint/lacquer and youll be fine,youll probably peg eight long before your helmet cracks open anyway:eek:
Helmets contain polystyrene which compresses upon impact.

Once compressed, that part of your head is essentially unprotected.

Get a new one.
of = off right? (sorry ocuk standards have become engrained on me)

Anyway bounce the helmet off the floor = new helmet, they are a bit of a one accident only thing.

Look at it on the bright side though, excuse to get something really cool/matching with the rest of your set up! :)

Ahhh just realised that typo. I did get a curly k in eNGLAnd I swure. What skool did you went to;
x 2.

Helmets are only designed for a single impact - even if you drop it while putting it on, get a new one :(

That's just an urban myth that is perpetuated by forums like this. Helmets are not that weak that they crack like an egg shell if dropped from 2ft, just look at the way Schuberth do their tests (there's a youtube video where they do *all* of the tests on a single helmet rather than on 10 different ones). Even after 10 impacts it still passes all the safety requirements.

The damage occurs when your head compresses the polystyrene inside the helmet because your head is inside at the time of impact. Without that you are more likely to just scuff the surface of the helmet. If you're really unlucky and drop it onto say the edge of something sharp and it cracks, then naturally you want to replace it.

Just google for "should i replace helmet if dropped" and read the results. The only people saying that you should replace the helmet after a drop is the manufacturers themselves and they have a good reason to. ££££££!!!

In the OPs case, his head was inside at the time so naturally it's best to replace the helmet.

If thats all the damage, then personally i wouldn't bother replacing it, but its your call. Everyone else seems to say replace it, so go with the majority.

My old helmet was scratched to all hell, from being dropped / a couple of low speed off's, and honestly i would still be using it today, if it wasn't for this:

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Yes you should replace it, gaps of air can form between the polystyrene and the shell, and if you hit it in the same place again when you come off, not only is there no cushioning, the air is effectively a solid mass that you smash your head against.
If thats all the damage, then personally i wouldn't bother replacing it, but its your call. Everyone else seems to say replace it, so go with the majority.

My old helmet was scratched to all hell, from being dropped / a couple of low speed off's, and honestly i would still be using it today, if it wasn't for this:[/MG][/QUOTE]

You're an idiot.
Replace it, V2R's are not that expensive, you could swap to the cheaper Caberg Ego if you like the feel of Caberg Helmet's, plus it comes with a pinlock visor, flip down inner visor and a sun roof :D
If you get it from for £114 you can use discount code IAMBACK to get 10% off.
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