So I fell of my bike.... Do I need a new helmet

I thought the V2R's were like £150? Last time I looked when I got a Zonda 4 years ago lol

Having look now they are £10 cheaper roughly than the Ego... but as the Ego has pinlock and the sunroof its worth the £10 extra if you can get £10 off through that code I gave :D
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This is not true of the 3 I have had, Trip, V2R, Ego, dunno about others. Sounds like one of those urban myths.

Of course this was tested at a nearby airfield.
You're an idiot.

And obviously one who doesn't value his head too highly. A £40 helmet is a sure fire way to brain damage in a major impact, the quality of materials used is just not up to it. You can bet your life that the purchase was as a result of the price rather than fit too.

PS OP get it replaced. V2R's aren't too expensive and at least you can choose a decent colour this time. ;)
i replace mine every year regardless of drops/scratches/bumps

the way i see it, for around 12 quid a month you can get a decent helmet and a good piece of mind that it will take a hit. also i have to leave my helmet unattended at work a lot, i dont know if other people have knocked it off in the locker room and put it back or not either.

just treat yourself OP for how much its gonna cost, and you know your heads going be somewhat protected.
It was on my way to work on one of these fine winters mornings. Black ice is the Devil. I was doing about 20 something, some how ended falling backwards and I seem to have chipped my Caberg V2R helmet. Besides from the plate being broke at the top, I only have a few scratches on it. Do I need a new helmet???

It is better to take a new helmet. Does not take any risk. Spent some money and buy a new one.
Right ok, message recieved. I was looking at the Caberg EGO. Will I be the same head size?? I was a large in the V2r.
Right ok, message recieved. I was looking at the Caberg EGO. Will I be the same head size?? I was a large in the V2r.

I would try it on first, how do you know it's even comfortable for you? Sizes may differ slightly as well.

Nice looking lid though, I was thinking of getting one during the summer.
LOL at all the "If you drop it you must buy a new one" comments.

The outer shell is there to hold the thing together and doesn't really offer that much in terms of protection.

If the inner polystyrene, which is the part that actually absorbs and dissipates the impact energy, has compressed then you should buy a new lid.
LOL at all the "If you drop it you must buy a new one" comments.

The outer shell is there to hold the thing together and doesn't really offer that much in terms of protection.

If the inner polystyrene, which is the part that actually absorbs and dissipates the impact energy, has compressed then you should buy a new lid.

There's no way of telling if the inner material has compressed by the status of the plastic shell... Thus buying a new one is the safest thing to do.
Many moon ago I had an old polycarbonate helmet kicking around in the garage...

After seeing all the doom - gloom PR about "stickers destroy helmets" - "one drop & it's time to replace" etc I set out to see how much abuse the shell would take. I soaked it in all the solvents available in my garage, kicked it around the garden then attacked it with a pick axe....

then my mates took turns with the pick axe.....

I eventually binned it, it was scratched but otherwise unscathed (other than managing to gouge the polystyrene out)
That's just an urban myth that is perpetuated by forums like this. Helmets are not that weak that they crack like an egg shell if dropped from 2ft, just look at the way Schuberth do their tests (there's a youtube video where they do *all* of the tests on a single helmet rather than on 10 different ones). Even after 10 impacts it still passes all the safety requirements.

The damage occurs when your head compresses the polystyrene inside the helmet because your head is inside at the time of impact. Without that you are more likely to just scuff the surface of the helmet. If you're really unlucky and drop it onto say the edge of something sharp and it cracks, then naturally you want to replace it.

Just google for "should i replace helmet if dropped" and read the results. The only people saying that you should replace the helmet after a drop is the manufacturers themselves and they have a good reason to. ££££££!!!

In the OPs case, his head was inside at the time so naturally it's best to replace the helmet.

Not sure this is great advice (regarding dropped helmets). The idea is the foam/polystyrene between the plastic protects your head from the "impact". Even a small drop damages this foam negating its effectivness.

If you drop your helmet - buy a new one.
Many moon ago I had an old polycarbonate helmet kicking around in the garage...

After seeing all the doom - gloom PR about "stickers destroy helmets" - "one drop & it's time to replace" etc I set out to see how much abuse the shell would take. I soaked it in all the solvents available in my garage, kicked it around the garden then attacked it with a pick axe....

then my mates took turns with the pick axe.....

I eventually binned it, it was scratched but otherwise unscathed (other than managing to gouge the polystyrene out)

Same as above - its not the plastic shell that protects your head against the impact.
Is always a good Idea to replace a lid after a serious drop or an off but remember many lids have been dropped before you even buy.

Clumsy shop assistants potential buyers and also in transportation e.t.c.
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I recently came off my self, braked on wet leafs and that was that. Got scratches on the left ear area of my helmet.

Don't think it's vital to replace the helmet unless it is a really hard, direct impact.
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